At Least A Twenty - Loki & Reader

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Words: 1992

Pairing: Loki Laufeyson & Reader

Featuring: Tony Stark, mentions other Avengers

Warnings: takes place in a children's hospital, implies surgery and sick kids

Summary: When you are asked to visit a children's hospital to meet sick kids, you are allowed to bring another person. Loki is trying to adjust to being a better person on Earth, and of course, he's who you bring along.

Author's Note: it's literally just fluff. There are some mentions of sad things, but the whole plot is fluff with Loki talking to a little girl, and it's just super adorable. I saw a prompt about a superhero hating a supervillain then they see the villain with a kid and their thoughts change so I kinda took inspiration from that but there's a lot. I also used the dialogue prompt "On a scale from one to ten, how bad do you think it would be if-" "At least a twenty."



Pacing happened a lot. It provided a way for you to think easily and not sit still for too long. However, it also confused your whole team every time you paced. They hate hearing the footsteps when you pace in the common room but don't particularly care if you pace in your room alone. They knew that whenever you pace, you're thoughts aren't the random ones about how do unicorns poop? No, the pacing thoughts are always about something serious.

Sometimes, some teammates will brave themselves and ask what you're pace-thinking about, but some just let it slide. Either it would result in a "nothing" answer, or you would go on for at least ten minutes about your dilemma.

Today, you just-so-happened to be pacing around the common room yet again, and Tony Stark strolled in. "Oh no," He sighed. "Not again."

You didn't hear him as you were so involved in your thoughts while you murmured about your problem. It was too quiet and mumbled for him to hear, but he was curious today. "Hey?" Tony called your name, causing you to stop walking. "What's up?"

You tapped your chin, sighing when nothing came to you. "See, I'm going to the Children's Hospital in a few days to talk with kids and just make their days a little better," You started.

"Very sweet. I love doing that," Tony nodded.

"But," You put your finger up. "I'm supposed to be helping Loki on the same day. So, on a scale from one to ten, how bad do you think it would be if-"

"At least a twenty," Tony answered when he figured out what your question would be. "Don't do it."

You furrowed your eyebrows. "Why not?"

"It's Loki! The same Loki that tried to take over our world? He'll probably scare those kids so much! Much less, the parents of those children will most likely not care for a supervillain meeting their kids," Tony tried to reason with you. But for some reason, your heart was telling you to take Loki with you. You couldn't pinpoint why, but you could feel it.

You nodded and thought for a minute. "I see your point."

Tony smiled and went to walk out of the room, but you stopped him. "But I'm going to bring Loki. I think it'll be fun, and the kids will like it."

With a sigh, Tony knew he wasn't changing your mind. "However this turns out, you're responsible. If it's bad, it's your fault. You're the one who wants to bring him."

"I take full responsibility for the amazing thing that is going to happen."


This may have been a mistake.

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