Be Lowkey, Loki - Loki x Reader

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Words: 1694
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Featuring: Tony Stark, Fake Thor, Fake Loki
Warnings: jealousy 
Summary: You and Loki make a perfect couple, and you love to mess with each other. You happen to borrow Tony's credit card and buy tickets to the happiest place on Earth, and Loki knows that something has to be up. However, Loki still trusts you. Does he regret it in the end?
Author's Note: This is for a writing challenge by @pietrotheavenger and I used the prompt "I find that answer vague and unconvincing."



You walked into Tony's lab, ready to act quickly. Upon taking a deep breath, you ran into his lab and threw his credit card on his desk. "Thanks, Tony!" You yelled and ran back out of the lab.

You saw Tony look up, eyebrows raised, and he was clearly confused but was far too tired to question anything. You ran around the corner, burst out laughing, then calmed down to focus. A second later, you teleported right in front of Loki. "Hey!" You smiled when he jumped at your sudden appearance.

"Now, dear," Loki started, "I thought I was meant to be the scary one in the relationship."

You giggled and walked next to him. "So, Loki, I was thinking-"

"Oh no, it's never safe when you do that," He shook his head. "What about now? Nothing good, I suppose."

You slapped his shoulder and continued walking down the hallway. "As I was saying...You barely leave the facility unless we are, you know, trying to save the world. So I bought us tickets to Disneyland!"

Loki raised his eyebrow at you and looked concerned. "What? Why? I do not want to go," Loki shook his head.

"Too bad!" You smiled widely. "I already bought the tickets, and we are going. You need to get out more, and it's a perfect place for us to visit!" You told him. "Our tickets are for tomorrow, so be prepared to be zapped there," You said and turned to walk away. When Loki chased after you to try to change your mind, you teleported out of the room and heard Loki swear loudly as he knew there was no catching you.

Loki grumbled to himself as he stalked down the hallway, heading back to his room to try and figure out other ways to get out of this. He had to try, even if he knew it would never work. You found it hilarious to hear him complaining about you. You smiled widely and appeared in front of Loki just as he went to reach for his door. "I love you!" You smirked, and Loki crossed his arms.

"I love you, too," He grumbled again as you disappeared. "This is going to be horrid."

You managed to evade Loki for the rest of the day, not giving him a chance to try and get out of the trip. You were so excited to take Loki to Disneyland; you had a feeling he would soften up and get over himself and have a great time. Disneyland had some of the best characters to meet there: including your favorite Avengers! While you would never admit it, that was the real reason you wanted to take him there, just so he could meet the characters. Sure, he would get over by tomorrow and be excited; there was no way he could still say no.


Boy, were you wrong.

"There's no way I can get out of this, love?" Loki pleaded as he followed you around the compound, complaining.

"No! We are going, and that's final! I used Tony's card to pay for it, and as much as I love to spend his money on junk, we are not wasting his money this time," You said very straightforwardly as he followed you into the kitchen.

Tony sat at the counter drinking some coffee. "I appreciate that," Tony nodded and took a sip. "I can't believe you bought Disney tickets."

"Loki's never been!" You told him, and Tony fake gasped.

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