If It Means A Lot To You - Pietro Maximoff x Reader

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Words: 1930
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: Angst
Summary: Based on the song If It Means A Lot To You by A Day To Remember, Pietro and you, a normal citizen, have been dating for a few years. Recently, he is always away for his work, and it has been getting to you. Finally, someone reaches their breaking point.
Author's Note: I tried something different for the end in this style. Though it's angst, I love how this fic turned out!



One would say it would be hard to be a normal person and date an Avenger, one that was enhanced as well. And while you would have defended your stance months ago, nights where you sat alone in your loft staring out into the city waiting for a call, you agreed with them. 

Pietro and you had been dating for a few years, and his place in the Avengers was recently  becoming more needed. You weren't anything like an Avenger, just a typical job, trying to get by. You started living together after a year of dating and have been living together for another year now. But living together was relative; he was gone the majority of the time because of the duties of being a superhero. 

He promised to call every other day, time depending on what he had going on. But you were worried; it had been three days with no sign that he was still alive. No calls from him or Wanda to alert you if anything happened, but you knew you couldn't jump to conclusions. You read articles online to see if the Avengers were still fighting or if they were headed home, but there hadn't been recent updates on the fight for days, and no one had much idea what was going on with them.

You jumped when you heard your phone start to ring the Sonic theme song, indicating it was Pietro calling. "Finally!" You groaned and picked up the phone. "Hey!"

"Hey, darling," Pietro said into the phone, a low and quiet voice, but you could hear the smile. "I hope you're good tonight.

You were happy to hear his voice and know he was okay, but you were honestly a little upset. And you had every right to be; he may be doing his job, but he also needs to remember that you get worried about him and his job. Sometimes things go out on the internet and could lead to worsening relationships. "Actually, Pietro, I'm not that good. I'm insanely worried about you!"

Pietro sighed. "I know you don't feel right when I'm leaving," He told you, "And I really don't want to be gone for so long, but you know I have to."

"Piet," You started. "I know you're doing your job, but you really scare me when you don't reply to me and never give me any hints that you're okay. I thought something was wrong!"

"I know, darling, and I'm sorry. We were in a place with no reception, and I couldn't risk us being caught if I tried to call...But I should be home in a few weeks," He continued, making reasons why he couldn't contact you. 

You wanted to yell; you really did. He needed to know how much you care about him and that he really does scare you when he does that, but you knew you couldn't. He would be home in a few weeks, and all would go back to normal...at least for a few days. "I just...Pietro, sometimes I don't understand how we make this work-"

"Tell me something sweet to get me by," He pleaded, cutting you off and sounding very tired. "'Cause I can't come back home 'till they're singing."

You knew what that meant; he was just using other words to distract you from the fact that they weren't done with the mission. He had meant by singing, was celebrating, that the fight was over and everyone was safe for a while. "I love you," You said. "Please stay safe, and don't forget to call or text. I can't wait to see you."

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