Fluff Alphabet - Bruce Wayne x Reader

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Words: 2839
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Q implies smut, mentions Jason's death/revival
Summary: Learn your fluff ABC's with your significant other, Bruce Wayne.
Author's Note: For this, I'm saying you and Bruce started dating after Tim was Robin but before Jason resurfaced. This is mostly based on that when Bruce fell in love, he fell hard

Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
As much as he can dread going to galas because he's been to so many, his perspective has changed since being with you. Sure, Dick, Jason, and Tim (and eventually the others) made them interesting in their own ways, but they're so much better with you by his side. He also loves relaxing with you, watching a movie in bed, especially after a hard night, and just being with you always makes him happy.

Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Bruce is enamored with you. He loves every little thing about you and thinks you're beautiful all over. He could never pick a favorite because he loves everything. Aside from outer beauty, he appreciates how open you are to everything that's thrown your way and thinks that is beautiful, too. Hell, when you first found out he was Batman, before freaking out, you just said, "oh."

Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Bruce has learned how to handle his own panic attacks, so he has some ideas when he finds you breaking down for the first time. You were hidden in one of the libraries, trying not to disturb anyone while trying to calm yourself down. He didn't intend to find you like that, but he happened to walk past the library and heard crying. When he realized what was going on, he sat next to you, arms around you and whispering things he thought would help calm you down. Good affirmations, song lyrics, whatever he could think of. Just being there for you helps, and he'll sit with you for as long as it takes.

Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Bruce didn't expect it at first, but he's been thinking about your life and future together for a while. Sometimes it freaks him out that he can have this commitment of a relationship that he hopes lasts, but then he realizes that if you didn't leave when you found out about him being Batman, could anything else make you leave?

Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He likes to think he is, but everyone (including him) knows you're the one in charge. Though, you let him think he's in charge...well, sometimes ;)

Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
If Bruce is one thing, it's stubborn. He's very determined to be right, and though he hates arguing with you, he hates admitting he was wrong even more. But over the years and as you both have grown in maturity and understanding that you know you guys have to talk about things to get through the hardest of times, and he usually forgives pretty easily (as do you).

Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
It definitely took him a little bit, but he fully sees everything you do for him. You keep him grounded and sane when the life of Bruce Wayne and Batman become too much, and he will never take that for granted.

Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Obviously, the whole secret identity thing was a secret for a while. But once he told you (pretty early in your relationship because he almost kept slipping up), the only thing he keeps secret anymore is when he gets hurt and when he's in deeper in a case than first expected. You always get him to spill the secrets, though. One look of concern, and he folds.

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