Sweetheart - Jason Todd x Reader

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Words: 1819
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: Crime-fighting, guns, gunshots
Summary: You like working with Red Hood, and after an exciting fight, he lets you in on a secret.
Author's Note: In this, it's after Jason is revived, but ~somehow~ there is no record of him dying (I'm pinning that on Bruce), so everyone thinks he just went missing.



It drove you crazy that Red Hood knows who you are.

It's even worse that he kept teasing you about it.

You know it was a complete accident that he found out anyway, but that didn't make you any less upset. It was simple: you were helping Red Hood in a fight, got hit pretty hard, and ran off once your job was done so you could check out the damage. You thought you were safe to take your mask off so you could look at the cut on your cheek, but Red Hood caught up to you to make sure you were okay. And stupidly, you turned around when he called your name, showing him your face clear as day.

Once both of you got over the initial shock of this reveal, he thought it was hilarious. It was obvious he knew who you are since your family ranks up there with the Wayne family, but you didn't find it nearly as funny as he did. You swore him to secrecy, which he didn't take seriously, responding with a mere "Duh."

Now, it's been a few weeks since he found out, and he has not stopped teasing you about it. Maybe it's his way of saying that he likes working with you, but the endless teasing is getting annoying.

You flinched as you sat on the edge of the building when you heard your real name called. "What did I tell you?" You scolded Red Hood when he sat next to you. "You promised you wouldn't use my name when we're out here!"

He only shrugged, offering you the brown take-out bag as a peace offering. Not thanking him, you took it and grabbed a few fries out of the bag. "I know, but I still can't believe someone in such high-society and wealthy wants to spend time protecting Gotham," He continued.

You rolled your eyes. "Well, it's not like Bruce Wayne's gonna be out here doing it," You shrugged as you explained your reasoning.

Red Hood burst out in laughter, more laughter than you had ever heard from him. When he calmed himself down, he nodded. "Fair point. The guy's an idiot."

He isn't wrong. "He's nice, though, from the times I've talked to him. But there's just not much going on up there," You told him.

"So I've heard," He agreed. "Quiet tonight?"

"So far, yeah," You reached into the bag again and ate a few more fries. It was a nice little conversation; you usually don't get to hang out and just chat. "Thanks for the snack," You said before eating the fries already in your hand.

Red Hood nodded, saying you're welcome without saying it. "Well, we needed a snack for the snack, huh?"

You scoffed. "That was a terrible line. I hope you're more smooth in your real life."

"It was pretty bad, but I was trying to think fast," He shrugged. "So, you know Bruce Wayne. You know his kids?"

Really not wanting to talk about this, you nodded just to get it over with. "Some of them," You said, and you could tell Red Hood was trying to push on for those dirty details about the Wayne family. "I've met the oldest a few times; we usually got stuck at the kid's table together when we went to the same parties. I think I was the same age as his second kid, and we got along pretty well before he...went missing a few years ago?" You trailed off, still confused about the whole situation with Bruce Wayne's second son. "I haven't seen him since he's been back, though. And I've only met the others a handful of times; they're younger than me," You wrapped up quickly. "But that's enough of that," You said and stood up, Red Hood quickly following.

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