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As soon as I went back into my room, I immediately felt empty. Something wasn't right knowing that Ashton wasn't just across the trees.

I sighed and sat on my bed. What was going to happen now? I mean, Ashton. My best friend. My BOYFRIEND. I had finally found someone that didn't judge me and now he's gone for 4 months.

Ash came and sat on my bed with me and began purring but that didn't help much at all. I missed Ashton already.

Maybe I was just being clingy. I mean, he told me not to miss him too much while he was gone. I figured that would be impossible seeing as I didn't have any friends that weren't going off to college too, but maybe that meant I just needed to go and make some.

I stood up, feeling motivated to do something other than sit around and miss Ashton for 4 months. I needed to do something with my time. Plus, if I find a way to pass the time, then that will make it easier and it will seem to go by faster.

I had the perfect idea about what I was going to do, as well.

I went right downstairs and put my shoes on, going to head outside.

"Where are you going?" Sam asked.

"Don't worry about it," I scowled at him.

I opened the door and walked out, ignoring Sam telling me to come back inside.

I began to walk down the street and he ran after me.

"What are you doing?" he asked, standing in front of him.

"I'm getting a life!" I said, pushing him aside. "I'll be back home soon enough."

He huffed. "Fine. But you better be back within an hour."

"I will!" I said, continuing my walk.

I went down the street to the little grocery store less than a block away. My mom would occasionally send me down for milk or something in the past. Right next door was a little coffee shop.

I'm not big on coffee, but I love the smell of it and I'll drink it if I want to really wake up. But since I liked the smell of it, why not?

I went inside and felt a bit anxious but remembered that this is what Ashton would want me doing, so I walked up and asked if they were hiring.

The girl got all excited and freaked out, running over to get an application for me. I'm guessing they were really in need of employees.

She rambled on a bunch of things that only made sense to her I'm guessing and gave me the application, leaving my head spinning as I walked back home.

I went into my room and sat, filling out the application. This would help a lot. I mean, I wouldn't have to be sitting around missing Ashton constantly, plus I would be making my own money. And maybe I could befriend that girl who was working there, and hang out with her.

The rest of the day was slow. I sat around, wishing Ashton was back already. I knew I shouldn't be doing that seeing as I was going to need to go 4 months without him as it is, but I couldn't help it. It just didn't feel realistic that he wasn't just across the trees in his room watching a movie or playing video games, or just next door helping his mom in the kitchen or something. It just didn't seem to register in my head.

Later that night, Ashton called me.

"Hey," I said, answering the phone immediately.

"You answered the phone too quickly," he said.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I haven't had anything to do all day."

"You should find something to do," he said. "Hang out with Lauren. I saw you two hugging as I drove away, I know she doesn't hate you."

The Great Escape || a.i. *completed & editing*On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara