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"Hey," I read a text message on my phone from Calum.

"Hey," I replied, smiling. We'd officially been together now for three weeks. My first real relationship.

I had talked to my dad about letting me out more. I knew he still didn't trust Ashton, and I was 800% positive that he didn't trust me, but I've learned that if you defy him enough, he'll eventually give in. I'm 18 and don't need my life dictated.

Ashton took me announcing being with Calum surprisingly well. He smiled and congratulated me, then took me out for ice cream to mess around for a while. It hurt a little bit because it seemed like he didn't care but then I remembered that he's my best friend, and I really like Calum. So I couldn't just expect him to be jealous or anything.

I don't think I was really wanting him to be jealous, I was just hoping that if he showed some kind of emotion, there would be hope for us in the future. Seeing as he didn't, I let myself fall head over heels for Calum.

We texted back and forth for a few minutes and he came over to hang out with Ashton and I. I texted Ashton and told him to come over to my room, which he did and made himself right at home on my bed.

"Calum's coming over," I said. "I thought maybe we could all hang out."

"Am I going to be third wheeling?" He asked, scooping up Ash and scratching behind his ears. He acted like he didn't like my cat at first but I know they have a special bond, seeing as they're both called Ash.

"Yes and no," I said. "Yes you're going to be third wheeling because we're a couple but no you're not going to be discluded."

"Good," he smiled, pushing Ash off the bed.

"You're so mean to him," I said.

"I am not!" He argued.

"Yes you are!" I said. "You go and act all lovey dovey and everything, leading him on like you really have feelings for him and then you go and push him off the bed, leaving him heartbroken and sad." I looked over at Ash, who was now laying in the sun where Ashton had pushed him off, purring.

"He looks so heartbroken, Sarbear," he laughed.

"He hides his feelings well," I said, scooping him up. "It's okay, Ash. I love you." He rubbed his face against mine, purring louder than ever.

"That stupid cat is always high or something," he said. "I have never seen a cat so happy like that before."

"He gets in the shower with me," I said.

"Lucky," Ashton mumbled.

I put Ash down and crossed my arms. "Excuse me?"

Ashton smiled big at me. "I didn't say anything."

I rolled my eyes, turning towards my window. I plopped down on the cushions, the sun on my face.

"You've gotten quite a bit of sass since I met you," Ashton smirked at me.

"Well you bring it out of me," I fired back.

"Fiesty," he laughed. "Do I need to run to the store and get you tampons?"

I threw a pillow at him. "As a matter of fact, I am not on my period right now."

"Good to know," he laughed, throwing the pillow back at me, and I joined him in laughing.

My phone buzzed, signaling a text from Calum letting me know he was outside.

"I'll be right back," I said. I went downstairs and opened the front door. Calum was standing there.

The Great Escape || a.i. *completed & editing*Where stories live. Discover now