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I woke up and Ashton was laying between my legs, his arms around my waist and head on my chest. I didn't even know what we were now. Were we together or still friends, I had no idea.

Ashton stirred and looked up at me, sitting up so I could sit up as well.

"Morning." He kissed me softly on the lips. Hopefully that was a good sign.

"Are we going to talk later?" I asked and he nodded.

"But for right now I need to go back to my own room before someone comes in," he said and I let him go.

I put on shorts and a tank top, going downstairs to get something to eat.

Sam was sitting at the table. "Sarah."

"What?" I asked, pouring a bowl of cereal.

"How was last night?"

"It was fine," I said, looking at him weird. What was this about?

"Are you going to date Luke now?" He asked.

"No," I said. "Well probably not. I don't know yet."

"Why not?" He asked.

"I don't want to go into the whole thing right now," I said.

"Tell me," he pressed.

Did I really want to tell him that Ashton and I had sex?

"No," I said. "You'll tell mom and dad. And judge me."

"No I won't," he said. "You know that. I haven't told them about you and Calum... You know."

"This is different," I said.

"What, did you have sex with Ashton?" He asked.

I sighed and poured milk into my cereal.

"WHAT?!" He dropped his spoon on the table.

"I knew it!" I said. "You're judging me!"

"No!" He stood up. "I just thought that you would tell me to shut up and whack me with the cereal box or something like you always do... I didn't actually expect you to... Oh my God, did you really?"

"It was an... Emotional... Night," I stuttered.

"So you had sex with him?" He asked.

"You don't understand," I said, sitting down with my cereal. "It was only once... And I can assure you it most likely won't be happening again."

"Did you use protection?" He asked.

"Of course I did!" I almost threw my spoon at him for asking such a stupid question.

"Just checking!" He put his hands up in defense. "Why the hell does he have condoms?"

"His dad wants him to 'be smart' or whatever in case he decided he wanted to have sex," I said.

"Was that his first time?" He asked.

"Yeah it was." I finally took a bite of my cereal.

"So I'm still confused as to what Ashton has to do with you and Luke," he said.

"It's complicated," I said.

"Explain." Sam apparently wasn't going to stop until I told him.

So I told him about how Ashton said he loved me but he had been telling me it was all just because he was too tired or emotional, and I told him about how we would sneak across to each other's rooms and I would stay with him or vice versa. I basically told him everything, including last night. I just didn't tell him about Ashton's self harm or considering suicide.

The Great Escape || a.i. *completed & editing*Where stories live. Discover now