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I got dressed quickly, glad I'd gotten up so early. I was so relieved I wasn't pregnant, I wanted to sit and cry.

But I had payback to give.

I walked over to Ashton's house next door, Mr. Irwin let me in. I walked quietly upstairs to Ashton's room. I crept over to his bed. He was asleep on his stomach, his head to one side and arms around his pillow. Suddenly I felt very jealous of the pillow.

What in the world? What am I doing?

I jumped on his bed and started jumping up and down. "WAKE UP ASHTON!"

I felt something grab my legs and the next thing I knew I was on my knees over Ashton, and he was full on glaring at me.

"Happy birthday, Ashton," I giggled, taking his face in my hands. I imagined this was what I looked like when he did this to me on my birthday.

"Screw you," he said, pulling a pillow over his head. I frowned. Ouch.

"Ashton," I said. I looked as hurt as possible, which wasn't hard considering it kinda did hurt, his rejection like that.

He pulled the pillow off his face and sighed. "I'm tired. I want to sleep."

"I wanted to sleep on my birthday too," I scowled. "But you dragged me out of bed to take me to breakfast."

"Yeah well you're Sarah," he said.

"And you're Ashton," I said, pulling his pillows away from him. "What's your point?"

He groaned, pulling his blankets over his head. I pulled them off and tossed them away so I sat on with my knees on either side of him.

"I really don't like you right now," he said.

"You love me," I smirked, pushing his hair out of his eyes. "And you can't stay mad at me."

He sighed. "Unfortunately you're right about both of those things."

My heart nearly stopped.

"So I'm making just as big of a deal about your birthday as you made of mine," I said, climbing off of him and his bed and going to his closet, tossing clothes at him like he had to me.

"Go take a shower," I said. "I'll be back over in a half hour."

He sighed and rolled out of bed, taking his clothes and trudging into the bathroom.

I went back over to my own house, killing time by talking Sam into driving us somewhere for breakfast.

20 minutes after I got home, I heard a knock on the door and Ashton was standing wearing his usual shorts, t-shirt and bandana, looking as astounding as ever. His hair was still a little wet, and his hazel eyes seemed to just glow.

"You're nineteen," I said to him.

He grinned. "We both are now."

"I'm taking you to breakfast," I said, taking his arm and pulling him to Sam's car.

"With Sam?" he asked when he saw Sam coming out with us.

"I can't drive," I said. "I never learned, so I don't have my lisence."

He sighed. "Whatever."

I took him to breakfast, spending the day with him in his backyard, taking him to the lake as well until late afternoon.

"Why do I feel like we've done the same things we did together on your birthday?" he asked as we got back to my house afterwards.

"Because we're interested in the same things maybe?" I suggested. "Because we're soulmates?"

The Great Escape || a.i. *completed & editing*Where stories live. Discover now