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I ran my brush through my hair. New neighbors, maybe I could actually make a friend for once. So if I made myself look presentable, I might look like I'm worth getting to know. And if he's my age, hopefully he'll be mature enough to give me a chance, and he would get along well with Sam as well.

I walked over to my full length mirror and looked at my reflection. I changed into light pink mid calf jeans, a lightweight flowery shirt and white Toms. I pulled my long, wavy blonde hair into a high ponytail and outlined my bright blue eyes with a little mascara and eyeliner.

When I was finally satisfied, I heard my dad call me downstairs.

"The Irwins are going to be here soon," he said. "I was just making sure you were ready."

I nodded.

"You look beautiful," he said, hugging me.

"Thanks," I mumbled, and sat down on the couch and watched whatever Sam had on the TV.

"What are you watching?" I asked.

"I don't even know," he said, changing the channel, and then again.

"There's nothing to do around here," he groaned.

"The neighbors are coming over in a few minutes," I said. "And you'll get to meet their son."

"I have friends I could hang out with," he said. "That's not the problem. It's just that they're all doing something else and I have to be here to meet neighbors."

"You'll want to make a good first impression, right?" I asked.

He looked at me with a big, cocky grin. "I always make good first impressions."

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help smiling. "So modest."

"I am the most humble person you will ever meet, Sarah," he said. "Be thankful you have such a modest older brother."

I started laughing, and Sam joined in with me.

Just then, I heard someone pull into the driveway and my dad rushed around to make sure everything looked fine before our guests came in.

I stood from the couch and Sam turned off the TV.

The door bell rang and I took a deep breath, trying as best as I could to make a good first impression.

My dad walked over to the door and opened it. The man from earlier today, Mr. Irwin I guess, walked in and shook hands with my dad.

"This is my daughter and son, Sarah and Sam," he introduced us to Mr. Irwin, and he walked up and shook our hands.

"This is my wife, Anne Marie," Mr. Irwin introduced his wife (I was going to call her Mrs. Irwin) to all of us.

I shook her hand as well, and came over to me and asked to help set the table before I got a chance to meet their son.

I walked into the kitchen and helped my mom set the table while my dad showed them where the bathroom was and everything.

"I'm going to go apologize for dinner not being ready yet," my mom said to me before walking out and I finished putting the last few dishes on the table.

I walked into the living room and Sam was standing and doing something on his phone while my mom and dad were having a conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Irwin.

That's when I saw him.

I stopped in my tracks when I looked at him, and I felt something that I can't even describe. He was standing there, and there was something about the way his curly hair sat on his head, and his hazel eyes seemed to shine.

My heart leaped and I managed to come back to reality and I continued walking into the living room.

He walked up to me and smiled an award winning smile at me, revealing the dimples in both cheeks.

"I'm Ashton," he said, sticking a large hand out to me. I took it and shook it, stunned by his good looks and charm.

"I'm Sarah," I managed to smile back at him.

"You just got out of high school?" he said, starting an easy conversation. I was beginning to like this guy more and more by the second.

I nodded.

"What are your plans?" he asked.

"My plans?" I said.

"Yeah," he said. "Like, what do you want to do for a career and such."

"Oh," I said, feeling stupid. "I was hoping to be a writer, but..."

"But what?" he asked. "There's nothing stopping you from chasing your dreams."

"Actually, there is," I said. "Writer's block."

"Oh," he said. "Well that's not exactly stopping you, it's just weighing you down."

"I don't even know if I'm going to pursue it," I said.

"You should," he said. "Why give up now when you've already gotten this far?"

"Because I don't have any inspiration," I said.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because I'm not allowed to go anywhere," I said a bit quieter.

"I'm sorry," he said, and I shrugged.

"Maybe you'll be able to go out soon," he said.

"Hopefully," I said.

I wasn't sure what it was, but I felt this immediate connection with Ashton. He didn't seem to judge me because I lived in a nice house with wealthy parents, and he seemed to actually want to get to know me.

Maybe I could actually have a friend for once.

The Great Escape || a.i. *completed & editing*Where stories live. Discover now