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I walked in the house and stopped in the living room, where Sam was standing and gestured me to stop and be quiet. I stood and listened, hearing my parents arguing in the other room.

"You've been keeping her inside for years," my mom was saying. "You have to let her out and live sometimes."

"It's dangerous out there," my dad said. "A tree house? She could've fallen out of it and gotten seriously hurt."

My heart started pounding. How did he know about that?

"But she's fine," my mom said. "She knows how to be careful and take care of herself."

"So you want me to just let my daughter go out and get hurt?" he said.

"That's not what I'm saying," my mom said. "I'm saying you need to let her go out, take risks and make mistakes. If she doesn't make mistakes, she'll never learn from them."

"Sometimes mistakes can lead to death," my dad said harshly.

"And like I said before, she knows the boundaries! And Ash is such a nice boy, I've seen the way he looks at Sarah. He would never let anyone hurt her."

"How do you know that? You've known him for about two days."

"I know true love when I see it," my mom said. "And they have something special. Everyone can see it. Even you can see it, I know you can."

"I see Ashton just another boy," my dad said. "And boys are reckless. I know, I was eighteen once."

"Ashton loves Sarah," she said. "I'm telling you, he would never let her hurt herself or anyone else hurt her. And HE certainly would never hurt her."

My dad sighed. "How about we discuss this another time. We need to have a talk with Sarah about leaving without asking."

My question on how he knew these things still wasn't answered, and I was beyond confused. My mom sounded so sure that Ashton loved me, yet I've known him for two days. There is no way.

I walked into the living room and sat down on one of the couches, Sam gave me a sympathetic look. I knew my dad wasn't very happy that I left this morning but it's not like I'm dead.

"Sarah," my dad said, walking into the living room, my mom following close behind.

"Yes dad?" I said, trying to keep my tone even.

"Where did you go this morning?" He asked. "When you went with Ashton."

"We went to a park," I said.

"And what did you do there?" he asked.

"We went into a tree house and sat and talked," I said. "Why?"

He sighed. "Why didn't you ask anyone before going?"

"Because I saw no harm in it," I said. "I trust Ashton."

"You don't know him," he said. "How could you trust him so easily?"

"Because he's my best friend," I said. "And I know him well enough."

"Why do you say that?" he asked.

"I've spent the last 2 days with Ashton almost the entire day," I said. "And we've talked a lot. I know him and I trust him. Why don't you?"

"Because none of us know him," he said. "He's a teenage boy with raging hormones and a mind, like you, believing nothing will go wrong."

"So you think he's going to try and take advantage of me," I said. "Because of 'raging hormones.' Do you think he's going to try to pressure me into sex or something? He's my friend, we're not a couple."

The Great Escape || a.i. *completed & editing*Where stories live. Discover now