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"Dinner is ready!" my mom announced, and we all walked into the dining room. I sat down and Ashton went to sit by me, but Sam sat by me instead. Of course, being a protective older brother. But by the easygoing conversation they kept, it didn't seem like he disliked Ashton or anything.

"So when are you guys moving in?" my mom asked Mr. and Mrs. Irwin.

"Actually, we just did," Mrs. Irwin smiled. "Tonight is the first night we're spending in the new house."

"So you're our neighbors already?" my dad beamed.

Mr. Irwin nodded and smiled as well. "We just have a few things in the car that we brought with us that we have to unpack. We have a babysitter for Harry and Lauren, our other two kids, while we're here. We figured Ashton could behave himself." Ashton smiled and turned a deep shade of crimson.

"We live right next door, too," Mrs. Irwin continued. "So if you ever need anything, just shout... Literally."

They all chuckled a little bit, and I smiled but I was lost in a daydream about Ashton's eyes while picking at my potatoes.

"Sarah?" my mom said, snapping me out of my daydream. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I smiled. "I'm fine... I'm just not very hungry."

"Okay," she said.

"Can I be excused?" I asked.

"Sure," my mom said, seeming worried, but I smiled reassuringly at her and stood from the table to bring my plate into the kitchen.

I went back up to my room, thinking about Ashton. There was something about him that I connected to, but I wasn't exactly sure what it was.

I plopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Thinking about him gave me butterflies, which never happened to me before now. I liked the feeling, it was like I was on the clouds and nothing could stop me.

I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Come in," I called out, and the door pushed open slightly. Ashton poked his head in, and my heart fluttered.

"Hi," I said quietly, not sure what else to say.

He smiled. "Hey. I was just wondering... You seemed to get up from the table pretty quick there. I was just making sure you were alright."

I smiled at him. "I'm fine." I stood up and walked over to my window where I had a little cushioned area to sit. That was usually where I read. I sat down and looked out the window at the sunset.

Ashton came over as well.

"It's beautiful out there," I said, admiring the shades of orange, pink, yellow and slight purple.

"Not as beautiful as you," he smiled at me.

My stomach turned and I couldn't help but smiling back. "What are you talking about?"

"You're beautiful," he said. "That's what I'm talking about... Do you not think you're beautiful?"

I shrugged. "I don't think I'm pretty, but I don't think I'm neccessarily ugly either."

"Well you're one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen," he smiled at me.

"Thanks," I smiled and look down at my hands, feeling my cheeks heat.

"How long have you lived here?" he asked.

"My whole life," I said miserably.

"You don't sound happy about it," he said, more like questioned.

The Great Escape || a.i. *completed & editing*Where stories live. Discover now