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You were just scrolling through Wattpad, searching for more exciting books to read. You had found a great one called, (name of such cool book).

You began reading the novel. About 4 minutes in, you get hit with a pop up ad saying "You have been infected by Four Viruses!"

You immediately started to panic. You ran downstairs to get Ryan. He was peacefully sleeping on the couch when you slapped the absolute dog sh- dog poop out of him.

He snaps awake and looks at you, waiting for you to tell him why you slapped him awake.

"RYAN MY PHONE HAS A VIRUS!¡!1!" You panic, shoving your phone into his face.

"Y/n, you need to take a chill pill, and go hug Teddy..." he says as he double clicks your home button, exiting out of Wattpad.

"What the hell are you doing! Now my viruses are gonna stay there!" You shout at him.

"Your viruses are fake. It's just scareware. It wants you to think you have a virus so you can download an actual virus." Ryan mocks.

" How do you know it's fake, hm?" You say as you roll your eyes at him, snatching your phone.

"If you actually read it, it said download something on Google Play... and you have an iPhone." He says with a 'duh' look plastered onto his face.

You stomp back upstairs, continuing to read your such cool book...

...until it happens again and the entire process starts all over again.

A/n: based on a true story... that happened like 20 minutes ago.

Minus the part where I freaked out. This was exaggerated for the sake of the imagine. 🙃

Taken from my page: (gimme a follow.. WINK WONK 😉😉)

DONT YOU JUST LOVE WHEN THE WATTPAD APP WANTS TO GIVE U A POP UP AD THAT SAYS YOU HAVE BEEN INFECTED WITH FOUR VIRUSES. I didn't read it all but I googled it and it said I was on "adult sites" I was like bish please why would I go on that. 😑

If you count Wattpad, forever 21 and YouTube as an adult site... GUILTY.

K that's all, bai!

This has been another chapter brought to you by @QueenLaTrish.

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