Rant -You aint gotta read it

367 7 18

*i swear here sorry

Look at my chubby lil hammy. 😍
Anyone ever been made fun of bc of what you look like and find enjoyable?


I swear it pisses me off. I'm a black girl in a mainly black community where your shoe game basically makes you cool. Some other stuff makes u cool too but it's mainly that.

Ya know, since I'm black, society has stereotyped that I should have weave and speak/act ghetto. (I do neither bc in all natural, never had a weave or perm and I don't act hood.)

I'm also stereotyped to only like rap.


Genre mainly that tells children to go fuck bitches and get money selling drugs.

I don't listen to that type of music and its rare for me to like a rap song, or a song frequently played on the main radio stations played here.

I listen to probably abt anything but that. 😂

I'm a variety type when I have a taste in genre. I liked a song in Spanish for crying out loud. 😂

Yup. I did.

Can someone plz tell me I'm not alone?

I'm sick of being called "white" bc I'm stereotyped to have weave and act hood. I'm not considered cool either bc I don't keep up with the latest shoes.

In my opinion, it's stupid.

Considered white for being myself. Cool. Thanks world. If ur considered whatever bc of what you like, don't fucking listen to them.

They are just sad,pathetic and probably soon-to-be dropouts ffs.

I'll continue to like the celebs that "only" white ppl like or find attractive. I'll continue to listen to my "white" music and I'll continue to be all natural.

I'll continue being that "white bitch" to society and so will my fellow other "wanna-be-white" black ppl.

This rant went everywhere. Ik it probably didn't make sense but I had to get this off my chest. 😕

K bai

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