Chapter 36

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It had been a weird night, to say the least. You were in a completely new environment; a different house to what you were used to, in a totally different part of town. Obviously you were used to new environments, you had moved across the country to study at your chosen University, there wasn't any real definite 'home' for you. Although, when you moved from your family home to your University accommodation three years ago, you felt alone and panicked when you would wake up in your dorm room because you couldn't recognise your surroundings. 

So, why did waking up in Mark's house feel so natural to you? 

The small and subtle rays of sun must have fallen onto your legs as it began to rise that morning because the additional heat on your calves was the thing that woke you up. You opened your eyes in an attempt to fight off sleep, your brain told your hand to reach for your phone but you found it was attached to something. Your eyes glanced down onto the bed to see that your fingers were entwined with a larger hand, that's when your brain woke up, you remembered everything that had happened the night before and who you were with.

Your heart skipped a beat for a second and a rush of butterflies flew through your stomach, snuggling yourself into the body that was already spooning you, you allowed yourself to properly relax. Sleep was creeping its way back into your body, you knew you would drift off again at any given moment. Your grasp at sleep was cruelly taken away from you when you heard a strange melody start to sound from Mark's side of the bed, you could only recognise it as one of the IPhone's default alarm sounds. 

There was a deep groan in your left ear, and a loss of heat from your hand as Mark turned his body around in order to confront the phone that dared to interrupt the small but sweet space in time that you and he could have together. Not having the energy to roll over with him, you stayed put, fighting your own battle to stay awake. A battle in which you were royally losing.

You hadn't even noticed that you had fallen back asleep until you felt something wet against the tip of your nose, you went to wipe it off, thinking it was sweat or your own dribble but the cold and wet feeling was attached to something. Something furry. Something furry that was breathing happily on your face. You opened your eyes carefully so your pupils could adjust to the light that had now filled the entire room, once you could see clearly you discovered that the wetness on your nose was Chica pressing her snoot against yours to wake you up.

She danced happily between her two front paws when she could see that you were awake, you beckoned her towards you so you could run your cold fingers through her soft golden fur, she was such a cute little puppy and you loved being in her company. "Hey Chica, did you sleep well?" you asked the hairy baby, she quietly barked at you as a response and flashed you a big smile. 

"You know, she really does like you" a voice said from the door way, you immediately snapped your attention away from Chica and towards the voice. Mark stood, leaning on the door frame, with a huge grin on his face as he watched the scene in front of him, he looked so content. "I have a strange way with dogs" you explained "I love them and they love me, I must have been a dog in a past life" you joked. At that moment, Chica began to tug on your top, one that you had actually stolen from Mark. "She knows" Mark chuckled to himself, "She knows what?" you asked, unsure of what he meant "What I've got planned" he pushed himself off of the door frame and helped you up out of bed, much to your displeasure.

You leg had practically healed by now a part from a limp that meant you still had to use a crutch, you were just waiting for the stitches to fade. You knew this, Mark knew this and probably even Chica knew this, but he still wanted to make a fuss of you.

"Right, little lady, you are going to have a shower and get dressed" Mark told you, holding his hands on your hips "Am I now?" you teased his commanding tone, "And why is that?" you playfully asked "Because, I'm taking you out on a date" Mark replied.

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