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Days passed and Aurora's stomach continued to grow, she looked 8 and half months pregnant, she no longer vomits her blood but she has to take little amounts every few hours, she could feel the effects of it, she felt weak and hated that feeling. If Niklaus showed up now she would lose a fight if one broke out. Aurora and Jasper were at the Cullen residence along with everyone, Isabella however kept staring at Aurora.

"I'm excited to have another little one around here." Esme says, Carlisle smiles at her.

"Isabella..perhaps you can explain why you keep staring at me? I know my stomach is gigantic but it's rude to stare." Aurora says having enough of Isabella's gaze on her.

"I uh.. sorry, but I'm just wondering..are you going to die when you give birth? I'm just..curious" Isabella says.

"It is impossible for me to die" Aurora says

"Aurora is aslo half Vampire and half werewolf, so due to her supernatural abilities it would feel like a normal human birth to her" Carlisle says, Isabella nods her head. "Speaking of giving birth, Aurora your getting close maybe you and Jasper should move in until after the birth" Carlisle says, Aurora nods her head.

"We'll bring a few clothing items over later." Aurora says, Carlisle nods his head,

"We'll ready Jasper's old room." Esme says smiling, Aurora smiles and her phone begins ringing.

"Hello Elijah" Aurora says answering her phone.

"Aurora sister how are you feeling"

"Big..really big. Let's skip the chit chat and get to why you called"

"Well Maya called with some interesting news"


"Your having twins"

"Twins" Jasper looks up at her with a smile

"Yes, but she still cannot tell the grinder of the babies..I will be there soon, I just need to finish something here and then i'm coming"

"Okay" Aurora says still in a bit of shock, she ends the cell."We are having twins" Aurora whispers, Jasper was by her side in an instant holding her hand.

"I will go gather the clothes, they can't leave for a minute." Alice says as she stands up with Mason. "We'll be right back" Alice says, Aurora looks a everyone

"Two little ones running around..instead of one." Aurora says as she smiles, Jasper kisses her hand.


Aurora and Jasper were laying down on the bad facing each other "What are we going to name them"

"What ever you want baby"Jasper says moving some hair out of the way.

"Let's each other pick one for each grinder... and the boy name has to start with J. But baby f we have a girl it has to be named Mia. "

"Ok..for a girl Mel and for a boy Jason" Jasper says

"Oh I love the name Jason..For and for a boy Jared"

"So if we have one boy and one girl there names will be Jason and Mia" Jasper says

"Yes, if there both boys then Jason and Jasper..and If there both girls then Mal and Mia" Aurora says.

A knock sounds on the door making the two of them look at the door making the two of them look at the door "Elijah you made it" Aurora says

"I did..you do look big" Aurora chuckles.

"You are just in time, we decided on the baby names"

"Tell me" Aurora opens her mouth to speak but stops because of a sharp pain run though her and then liguid running down her lag.

"Aurora" Jasper says feeling the pain she, he speed to her side.

"It's happening" Aurora says

"Let's get her down stairs" Elijah says as he and Jasper helps her, they mange to get her downstairs.

"Carlisle!" Jasper yells, Carlisle appears in front of them.

"Quickly to my office." Elijah and Jasper help Aurora get to the office and Carlisle prepares everything "Is it possible for a C section?" Carlisle asks.

"It is but someone would have to make sure the wound open and from healing, it will be easier for it to be a natural birth" Elijah says.

"Alright Aurora get ready" Carlisle says, Jasper takes her hand in his and she squeezes it.


Agonizing hours later Aurora had gave birth to Jason kol Hale and two minutes later Mia Rose Hale. Elijah left a month later to continue looking for the doppelganger and keep Niklaus from finding Aurora. Aurora and Jasper with the twins moved back into their home, years passed and the twins grow slowly like a human and Aurora hoped they wouldn't end up like Niklaus and herself.


"Hello" Aurora says as she answers the phone.

"Aurora sister...come to Mystic falls now" Elijah says


"There are things I have Keep from you."

"Elijah your scarring me"

"Sorry sister but I will tell you the rest when you get down here but....Aurora I have our siblings and there alive and wake and wanting to see you."

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