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Nineteen days passed sense the wedding and Isabella and Edward had returned home because somthing was wrong with Isabella, So here was Isabella laying on the couch with a giant pregant belly with Rosalie garding her, Aurora and Jasper stood near the stairs ready to bolt if a fight broke out, Alice wanted the baby out of Isabella and Rosalie was proectiong Isabella's unborn child, Emmett didn't know what to do so he stayed quiet for once, Carlisle walks uop the stairs with jacob behind him.

"I'm glad you came." Isabella says weakly, she looked like a human corpse expect for the giant belly.

"Close enough." Rosalie says.

"What's your prpblem" Jacob asks

"Rose it's OK" Rosalie moves out of the was and Jacob moves closer to Isabella.

"WOW..you look terrible" Isabella smiles

"Yeah it's nice to see you too" Isabella says

"So you wanna tell me what's wrong" Isabella looks towards Rosalie.

"Rose, you wanna help me up?" Isabella asks, Rosalie carefully helps her up. Jacobs eyes fell to her stomach and turns his head to Edward, He marches up to Edward.

"You did this!" Jacob says loudly, Emmett grabs Jacob's shoulder stopping him from attacking Edward.

"We didn't even know this was possible." Carlisle says Jacob shrugs Emmett's hand of his shoulder and turns to Carlisle.

"What is it?" Jacob asks

"I'm not sure, Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac." Carlisle says

"I can't see it either" Rosalie's glare got harder if it were even possible "And I can't see Bella's future anymore"

"We've been researching legends but thre isn't much on the matter, What we do know is that it's strong and growing fast"

"Why haven't you done anything. Take it out of her!" Jacob says.

"This is none of you business, dog" Rosalie spits out.

"Rosa!" Esme yells "All of this fighting can not be good for Bella"

"The fetus isn't good for Bella" Aurora loved Alice like a sister but if Aurora was in Isabella shoes then she would keep the baby no matter what the cost and no matter what anyone else said.

"Say the wold Alice BABY not Fetus BABY!" Aurora tells Alice. Rosalie nods her head agreeing with Aurora

"It's going to kill her.. It's a fetus" Alice says crossing her arms.

"Yea Alice baby. It's just a baby!" Rosalie says

"Possibly" Mason says backing up his wife.

"Carlisle you've got to do something " Jacob begged.

"No..It's not his decision, its not any of yours" Isabella said

"Jacob I need to talk to you" Edward says and walks out of the house Jacob following behind her.

"Come with me." Jasper said softly in Aurora's ear, he takes her hand and leads her up the stairs to his room and they sit on his bed, Jasper puts his arm around her shoulder making her lay her head on his shoulder "I need a distraction from all this" Jasper says

"Close your eyes baby" Aurora says, Jasper closes his eyes and Aurora enters his mind creating an illusion around them.

"What is this" Jasper asks

"An illusion.. a distraction, you won't feel a thing from the real world.. this is my favorit place in the world, I love to come here"

"Where is this place"

"Mystic Falls, This is what it looked like when I was living here" Aurora takes his hand

"Maybe we should stay in here foe a few days.. Just until things calm down"

"Someones coming my love" Aurora says and ends the illusion

"Aurora , jasper" Mason says as he enters the room" You two have been in here for awhile..the wolf pack is come for Bella, we need to habe a meeting" Aurora and Jasper stood up from his bed.

"We'll be right down" Jasper say, when Mason leave the room Jasper leans down and gives Aurora a long kiss "thank you" Jasper say pulling away. Aurora nods with a smile and the two of them walk down the stairs

"Not in ours" Esme says when they get down stairs.

"Carlisle no one's hunted in weeks" Emmett says

"We'll make do" Esme says

"If you desperately need to go hunting, I distract the shape shifters just an illusion and they won't know what to do.." Aurora says, the vampires and the wolf looks at Aurora. "They'll attack you" Jacob says making Jasper let out a growl and pull Aurora closer to him.

"And a little bite won't kill them"

"You've done us a great deal, Jacob..thank you" Carlisle says, Jacob got up from the couch and turns to Aurora.

"How do you know it won't kill them"

"Do not ask what you don't want to know" Jacobs nods his head and walks out of the house.

"Thank you for offering to help us, Aurora." Carlisle says

"You're family now..this is my future family, I'll be happy to help" Aurora says.


Song: 2U by Justin Bieber

Song: 2U by Justin Bieber

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