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Aurora walks into the lunch room holding Jasper's hand, the two of them were running  late to lunch but at least they showed up. It was Aurora's first day back to school and she was already given a lot of work to do if she wanted to graduate this year. 

"Does nobody have anything better to do then  staring at someone else?" Jasper smiles slightly.

"Well it is May, Graduation is next moth, everyone is wondering how your going to pass"

Aurora smirks at Jasper " I will..I know i will...I pass with flying color's" Aurora says as the sit down at the table were Edward and Isabella were sitting at with her annoying human friends. Jasper kisses her lightly on the lips and go's to pull away but Aurora  grabs Jasper's face pulling him back and deepens the kill making Jasper and Aurora moan. Jasper pulls Aurora closer to him and starts to rub up and down her back before picking her up and putting her in his lap. Forgetting were they were at and only wanting to bring pleasure his mate Jasper slips his hand in her jeans and starts to rub her making Aurora want to lose control. Aurora heard Edward say "OK that's enough"Aurora pulls away from Jasper and gets back into her chair not looking at anyone but Jasper who was blushing. Aurora heard the human boy named Mike say "lucky man" Aurora was the one who was lucky. No one said anything for a minute then The human girl Jessica "Welcome back , decided to finish school after all" 

"I don't have to, but I'm only here to be next to Jasper" Aurora says laying her head against Jasper as he plays with her hair. Jessica glares at her and was about to say something when Alice sat a trey of food down on the table.

"I've decided to throw a party." Alice announces as she and Mason sit down. "After all, how meany times are we going to graduate" Mason, Jasper and Aurora all let out a silent chuckle.

"A party? At your house?" Angela said.

"Ive never seen your house." Jessica says.

"No one's ever seen their house." Eric says. Aurora rises her hand "I have" Jessica rolls her eyes, Aurora wanted to kill the human. Jasper could feel this and grabbed her hand and started playing with her fingers. That calmed her down.

"Another party, Alice?" Edward says

"It'll be fun" Alice says with a silent wanting in her tone. Aurora let go of Jasper and gave Alice a small hug and returned to Jasper arms.

"Yeah that's what you said last time" Isabella says backing Edward up, Aurora had grown protective over  Alice and thought of her as she would Rebekah. Aurora sent a glare at Isabella, Isabella scooted back towards Edward. Jasper gave her a kiss on her head making her calm down instantly. Alice sits back in her chair suddenly blanking out. 

"Hey Angela" Isabella says clearly seeing the sign of Alice's troubled face, the five vampires however looked at Alice concerned and wanting to know what the vision was about, suddenly Edward held a concern expression on his face. "Um.. excuse me for a moment." Alice says standing up, Mason stood up also following Alice out of the lunch room. Aurora and Jasper stood from the table and follows behind Alice and Mason.

"Alice what did you see" Mason asks taking her hand.

"Victoria... she's passing through the forest this Saturday"

"Is she going after Bella"

"She's looking for her but I don't know why but won't go after her yet...Aurora will you help us"

"Of course I will...I have been wanting to get my hands on her for a while now" Jasper laughs and says "Aurora you know I love you right"


Aurora sat in her kitchen with a book open in front of her writing down answers or questions of her own Jasper was making something to eat for her. 

"You know asking them questions won't raise you final result." Aurora  chuckles

"I know but I need to know where they got this load of lies from" Aurora says closing the book and opens another one. 

"Well at least your almost done" Jasper says picking up a plate that had a sandwich on it.

"Yes, the teachers will be so surprised when I hand this in tomorrow" Jasper puts the plate down in front of Aurora and on the book.

"Emmett wanted us to go on another hunt this weekend, you should have seen how disappointed he looked when he heard Victoria would be crashing our plans." Aurora smiles and puts her pen down.

"There will always be next weekend was the celebration not enough for him?"

"Apparently not" Aurora picks up the sandwich and takes a bite" Does it taste good?" Aurora mod her head as she chews "Is it that good baby" Aurora swallows.

"It's better then good its great love thank you so much"

"Well at least i can make a sandwich"

"I'm sure you can make other foods also it only takes practice...Lucky for you human food fills my blood lust a little bit so you will have tons of opportunities to test out your cooking skills with me" 

"I didn't know it could fill your blood lust"

"I does some..We may crave blood but human food can fill us just enough if we don't have any blood to drink."

"Tell me more about your wolf side"

"Why are you so interested in it? It's a vicious side of me"

"Because I'm curious..I want to know every side of you because even if it's your vicious side I know that I will love it"

"Alright well it hurts a lot when I turned into a werewolf, every bone in my body breaks and changes shape to form the wolf, After the change I have no control over my wolf side. Unlike shape  sifter. I can't control my wolf and i will attack any living thing, my werewolf side is only out for blood and chase"

"Have you ever change sense you broke the cures"

"I didn't have reason to change into my wolf, I was already stronger in my human form, the power of the vampire and werewolf were dangerous enough but at least I had control over my actions"

"Do all werewolves go through that painful cycle on the full moon?" 

"Yes, It's even harder for newbie wolves..There not use to the pain, there also scared and don't kn ow what's going to happen and it's takes longer for them to change so the pain is for hours..now no more werewolf talk.. I need to eat this sandwich and then finish my project and the faster I get though things done the faster we get to have sex" Aurora kissed him and got back to work.


Song: Let Me Love You by Justin bieber

Please watch this...

  Someone told me its not working so thats the link -------> https://goo.gl/nm2xdt

It's the book trailer to Dusk Till Dawn...I'm making one for Full Moon; Different species right now, I had a lot of fun making this so can you tell me what you think and if you want me to make you one just send me a messenge telling me the books name, who plays who and a little bit of what's it about Thank you!!!! 

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