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Aurora walks into the Cullen house and up the stairs and speeds to Jasper who was sitting on the couch "Theories range from a vicious new gang to a wildly active serial killer." She hears on the T.V Jasper pulls her in his lap and  puts a hand on her knee. "Reporting live.." Carlisle turns off the T.V as Isabella and Edward walk onto the living room.

"It's getting worse, We're going to have to do something" Carlisle says.

"It takes more then one of our kind to cause the damage they're reporting..Quite a lot more, and they're undisciplined, conspicuous." Jasper says.

"It's newborns" Edward says, everyone looks towards Edward.

"What, like new vampires" Isabella asks

"In the first few months after the change.." Edward begins.

"That's when we're at our most uncontrollable vicious  insane with thirst" Jasper says, Aurora looks at him. 

"Something to look foreword to." Emmett says.

"No one'z trained these newborns but this isn't normal." Jasper says Carlisle looks at Jasper. 

"Someone's creating an army.." Carlisle says, Emmett stood on the couch.

"Oh now we're definitely going to Seattle." Emmett says as he jumps off the couch.

"An army of vampires"

"And they're being created to fight someone" Jasper says.

"we're the only clan even close to Seattle" Edward says 

"Regardless of shy they were made if we don't put a stop to them the Volturi will" Carlisle says, "I'm surprised they've let it go on this long." 

"Maybe they're behind it..In Italy, I read Aro's mind, he wants Me and Alice to join him but he knows we'll never choose him as long as our family's still alive" Edward says 

"An army could solve that for him" Mason says while standing up from the couch, Alice walks into the living room and towards Mason, she takes his hand in hers and he instantly calms.

"Aurora have you decided on a date yet? I don't want to plan two weddings at the same time" Alice says changing the subject, Isabella looks at Aurora as Aurora looks at Alice "The 26 of November.. But you don't have to plan my wedding not that i mind actually but still" Aurora says and gives Alice a smile. 

"No..no I'm planning it, I already have a great plans for your wedding will you be buying you own dress or will I be doing it?"

"I will buy the dress it's one less thing for you to worry about"

"You and Jasper are engaged?" Isabella asks, Aurora looks at Isabella.

"They've been engaged before you and Edward, Jasper asked her a few weeks after we moved back..Now we have to move on to Graduation before we can talk weddings, Graduation is in a few days, Bella I have an outfit for you wear." Alice says walking up to Isabella and takes her hand and leads her up the stairs "Aurora, I would've gotten you one also but I have seen you closet you'll manage." Aurora chuckles.


Song: Heart by Heart by Demi Lovato

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