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Aurora and Jasper walked to the clearing holding hands, Elijah was on the other side of Aurora in a suit, Aurora had told him to buy some gym clothes but he refused.

"I still can't believe you are in a suit..It's going to get filthy."

"I understand that but you yourself know how many suits I have, it won't mater if this one gets destroyed." Elijah says.

They arrive at the clearing "Ah, finally I thought chickened out !" Emmett says loudly.

"Never" Jasper says with a smirk.

"Then let's put up a show while we wait for Edward" Emmett says, Jasper turns to Aurora and kisses her before going towards Emmett, they clash and Jasper easily pushing Emmett backwards making him fly through the air, Emmett got up from the ground.

"No, again!" Emmett says charging towards Jasper, Jasper moves out of the way and Emmett turns around, he speeds towards Jasper but Jasper pushes him backwards again, Emmett got up turing around.

"Again!" a jeep drives up into the clearing and stops out of the way, Isabella and Edward get out of the jeep and make their way towards the others, they turn around when they heard several loud footsteps approaching them, several shape shifters appear from the tree's.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms" Edward says reading their minds.

"They came that's what matters" Carlisle says, Jasper walks up to Aurora and takes her hand "Will you translate?" Carlisle asks Edward and steps forward, Alice walks uo to a safer place and out of the way. "Welcome, Jasper has experience with newborns, he'll teach us how to defeat them." Carlisle tells the shape shifters.

"They wanna know how the newborns differ from us." Edward says

"They're a great deal stronger then us because the own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful then in our first several months of life." Carlisle says and then looks to Jasper before walking back to Esme's side, Jasper steps foreword pulling Aurora with him holding her hand. He didn't what to leave her side with the wolves their.

"Carlisle's right, that's why they are created, a newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army, but no human army could stand against them." Jasper says, one of the wolfs let out a growl "Now the two most important things to remember are first, never let them get their arms around you, they will crush you instantly. And second, never go for the obvious that...and you will lose" He turns around and gives Aurora a kiss and looks to Elijah "Watch her" and Aurora walks to stand by Elijah .

"Emmett!" Jasper yells pushing past his family "Don't hold back"

"Not in my nature" Emmett says while smirking, he runs at Jasper and slams into him pushing him back, Emmett picks Jasper up and throws him across the clearing. Aurora steps forward about to rip Emmett in half when Elijah pulled her back "That is what Jasper meant about watching over you" Jasper got to his feet and the two of them speeds towards each other. Emmett was about to hit Jasper ducked out of the way and picked Emmett up and slammed him into the ground.

"Never lose focus" Jasper says, Edward and Carlisle went next they looked at each other, Edward jumps into the air and Carlisle slides onto the ground jumps into the air and Carlisle slides underneath Edward, they turn around and speed towards each other's throats, Edward lifted Carlisle up and slammed him into the ground and turns his back on Carlisle "One more thing" Jasper says as he walks past Edward, Edward looks at Jasper and Carlisle attacks Edward and pins him down "Never turn your back on the enemy" Jasper says, Aurora chuckles.

Jasper and Rosalie when at it, again Elijah had to keep Aurora from killing Rosalie.

Alice and Mason go next.

"Baby your turn" Jasper tells Aurora "who you want to fight" Aurora kisses him and then grabs Elijah's hand and pulls him into the middle of the clearing.

"Time to practice and time to show you wearing a suit was a stupid move, brother" Elijah shakes his head.

"Be prepared to lose little sister" Elijah says as he rolls up his sleeves, the circle each other before attacking, Aurora pushes Elijah against a tree and he pushes her off him making her fly backwards, she lands on her feet and charge towards him."On the contrary, brother, it is you who will lose"Aurora says pushing him back into a tree. The tree falls over and Elijah gets back to his feet. Elijah speeds to Aurora, Aurora moves out of the way and grabs Elijah from behind before he could turn around. She wraps her arms around his neck as her fangs grew.She bits into his neck and lets him go "You lose" Aurora says smirking

"You purposely ruined my suit now give me your blood" Aurora hold her arm up by his mouth.

"My apologies for the venom not the suit." Aurora says, Elijah takes her wrist and bits into it and takes a few sips of her blood before releasing her wrist, Elijah's wound heals and the two of them walk back to the group.


Training ended a few minutes ago and the shape shifters left, Rosalie and Emmett left while Edward spoke to Carlisle about something, Alice and Mason spoke to Esme while Isabella waited for Edward on the jeep Elijah had also left to get rid of his suit. Jasper and Aurora walks past the jeep Aurora's arm was hooked into Jasper's arm as he carried his Jacket over his exposed arms.

"Jasper?" Isabella says, The two of them stop and look to Isabella "Are you sure there's nothing I can do to help"Isabella asked

"Well, your presence alone, your scent, will distract the newborns their hunting instincts will kick in and drive them crazy" Jasper says.

"Good I'm glad" Isabella says, Aurora and Jasper turn to walk away obviously wanting the conversation to be over but.."Hey." Isabella says the two of them turn back to Isabella. "How do you know so much about this?" I hate humans She thought to her self.

"I didn't have quite the same upbringing as my adopted sibling" Jasper says removing the Jacket that was covering his arms. He shows Isabella his arms filled with bite marks . Isabella jumps of the jeep looking at the marks "Those are bite marks"

"Battle scars" Jasper say. "All the training in the Confederate Army gave me was useless against the newborns" Jasper says "Still I never lost a fight." Jasper says, Aurora and Jasper turn and walk away but Isabella follows them, she steps in front of them but they continued walking.

"What happen in the Civil War?" Isabella asked.

"I was the youngest Major in the Texas cavalry, all without have.."Jasper tells Isabella his story "till I meet Alice and Mason, Alice saw me coming of course"

Mason and Alice walk up to them "You kept us waiting long enough." Alice says, Jasper smiles,

"My apologies Ma'am" Jasper says "I don't know what I would have become with out them...I would never have met the love of my life without them"

"Shh, you'll never have to be that again..And I'm sure that Aurora will make sure of that, right" Aurora nods her head "I will" Jasper smiles "Never leave me Aurora"

"You would have to kill me to get rid of me and I can't die" Jasper kisses her and picks her up "Let's go home"


Song:Unconditionally by Katy Perry

Song:Unconditionally by Katy Perry

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