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The months passed by quickly and soon enough it was November 26th, Alice had out done herself with the decorating, she had invited all of their family, Aurora sent one to Elijah alone with a few so he could invite anyone he wanted to. Aurora stood inside the house waiting for her cue, Elijah walks in holding a box.

"I'm so nervous." Aurora says.

"That's normal." Elijah says

"You are not backing out now" Alice says walking into the home, Aurora smiles.

"I would not dream of it" Aurora says 

"it's time.." Alice says 

"Before we go..Aurora" Elijah says as he opens the box he was holding. Aurora looks inside it.

"That was Rebekah's" Aurora says as she takes the crown out of the box carefully.

"Yes..I am sure she would want you to wear it" Elijah says.

"Where did you find it" Aurora asks as Alice takes it from her.

"I kept it.." Elijah says "now you have a piece of her, she would have loved seeing her big sister get married...You know how much she loved you" Elijah says as Alice puts the crown on Aurora's head.

"I miss her..I wish she could atten this.." Aurora says 

"I'll find her..and Kol" Elijah says "But today is about you so smile wide." Elijah says, Aurora giggles. "That's better..Are you ready?" Elijah says, Alice walks out of the house to join everyone.

"As ready as I'll ever be.." Aurora says as she hooks her arm with Elijah, she takes in a deep breath and hears the music beginning, the two of them walk out of the house and towards  the aisle, everyone turns around and looks at Aurora as she walks down the aisle, Aurora saw familiar faces in the seats, they arrive at the platform and Elijah gives her away to Jasper.

"You look beautiful.." Jasper whispers, Aurora smiles and the two turn towards the priest.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate the uniting of Aurora Mikealson and Jasper hale, two different people, from two different world came together to be as one. Dose anyone here think that these two should not be wedded speak now or forever hold you piece" No one said anything "Very well, please join hands and I ask for the rings" The priest says, Aurora and Jasper turn to each other and took the other's hands, Jasper took the ring from Mason and Aurora took one from Rosalie 

"Jasper do you take Aurora to be you lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold through richer or poor, through sickness and health, do you promise  to love and comfort her, to honor her and forsaking all others to be faithful to her?"

 "I do" Jasper says as he slid the ring on her finger, Aurora smiled 

  "Aurora  do you take Jasper to be you lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold through richer or poor, through sickness and health, do you promise to love and comfort him, to honor him and forsaking all others to be faithful to him?"  

"I do!" Aurora says loudly making Jasper laugh. She slid the ring onto Jasper's finger.

 "With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Jasper leans in and they share their first kiss as husband and wife " I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Hale" He says as they pull away, they turn to everyone and walk down the aisle and to the reception that Alice had set up, Aurora and Jasper walk to their table and sit down, Once again Emmett grabs the microphone. "Hello, I don't have to worry about this being off this time...Aurora and Jasper.. it's about time this wedding happened, I mean we all knew it was going to happen, it's about time. Aurora welcome to  the family ....and i'm her favorite brother in law..yea I'm talking to you guys ....Edward...Mason" Emmett say playfully glaring at them. Before the wedding they were all three arguing  about that . Aurora smiles at Emmett as he gives the microphone to Elijah and returned to his seat.

"I would like to thank everyone for coming tonight, I am truly glad my sister found somebody to love and be happy with, she deserves all the happiness she can get..Jasper I hope you can keep up with my sister, she can be quite wild at time..I know you will be a good husband to her, I have witnessed with my own eye the love Jasper has for my little sister, so a toast to my new family in-law" Elijah says as he raising his glass he then hands the microphone to Esme and returns to his seat.

"I would also like to thank everyone that came tonight, I would like to thank Aurora for coming into our life's and filling in that missing piece. I am so glad to have you as a daughter Aurora" Esme says and hands the microphone to Rosalie.

"Everyone knows that I don't give my trust out but somehow ....Aurora made me like her from the start, then again the first words she said to me way "Your quite beautiful love" " Rosalie says making people laugh "No no that's not the reason, Aurora is just a likable person and my best friend, she made me see that being a vampire is not all bad but theirs good parts to it too...I love you Aurora..don't worry Jasper I have Emmett" Jasper laughs and Aurora smiles. Rosalie hands the microphone to Alice.

"Now it's time for the couple to open the dance floor for us." Alice says, Aurora and Jasper stood up and walks to the dance floor. A few couples joined them on the dance floor as the song played, Aurora laid her head on Jasper's chest.

"I love you so much Jasper.. so much it almost hurts " Aurora whispers.

"I love you too, Aurora" Jasper whisper back, the song came to and end and aan upbeat song started which got everyone up



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