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"What? Carlisle's a doctor, he was able to help Bella" Jasper says, Elijah walks into the room.

"He can't help here.." Elijah says, he takes his sister's hand in his, "We were created by magic..only a witch can figure out what's wrong with her." Elijah says, Jasper looks at Aurora "I decided to stop by and see how bad it is..it seems bad."

"What's wrong?What's happening" Jasper asks 

"She's been throwing up, she can't keep any blood in her system..Ever sense you two returned from Costa Rica." Elijah says, Jasper looks at Aurora.

"Why didn't you tell me." Jasper says with hurt and anger  clear in his voice.

"I didn't want you to worry...you seemed so happy I didn't want to take that away from you"

"We vowed through sickness and health."

"I know.." Aurora says quietly, Jasper pushes her hair out of her face.

"I will go search for a witch we can trust and bring her here, meanwhile try and get a few drops in your system."

"No..no we're going with you. So when we find one we can immediately know what's wrong" Jasper says, Elijah sighs

"Will you be strong enough to travel, sister" Elijah asks, Aurora nods her head

"Yes..I think so"

"I can carry her, anytime she feels too weak." Jasper offers, Aurora smiles at him

"Alright..well, let's go" Elijah says, Aurora sits up on the bed.

"We should leave a note..Give my a pen brother and Jasper paper please" After the both got what she needed Aurora wrote the note then stood from the bed after finishing the note.

"Alright let's go" Aurora says, they walk downstairs and out of the home Elijah takes the note from Aurora and folds the paper putting it on the door, the three of them leave the small town.


Our greatest apologies for leaving at this time but it is better if we aren't here. We would be too distracted with something else, we would be no help..We realize this is not the best time for us to go but really it is the best, trust me when I say there is no other way 

We have no explanation right now but we hope to have once we return, our return..We will be back to help

    P.S Rosalie please don't be mad at me I promise to come back. And can you watch the house of me I don't want the plaints do die 

    -Jasper and Aurora 


Song:Now or Never by Halsey 

Song:Now or Never by Halsey 

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