Good thing we prepared for that.

"Hah! Are you sure this guy's not your bitch? Then why'd you register his number as 'My Guy'?" Phinks asked—


"Shut up!"

There was a commotion on the other side, before the call died.

I didn't know whether to panic or feel embarrassed.

My Guy.

I couldn't believe my ears. Aki calls me, 'My Guy'? Ack—what's up with him? I thought we decided to talk about our relationship after this whole mess is over? 

My Guy?

I blushed. 

Argh—snap out of it, you fool! I have to focus. I called Kurapika's cell.

"Killua? How was it?"

"He's okay... the clone has been captured safely. I still can't sense his presence though, so maybe he's using Zen." I reported.

"Okay. I'll send one of my colleagues for good measure." Kurapika relayed.

Yes. Our plan was to have the Troupe capture Aki's clone as hostage. That way, we can gather info as close as possible. After all, his techniques were perfect for recon. And, I get the feeling that he's quite experienced in that area.

Since our main goal was switched to capture Pakunoda, we can't let ourselves be caught no matter what. At least, with Aki, he has a technique that allows him to temporarily lock his memories away (the same technique that caused his amnesia).

Plus, Aki can also teleport to me at the event that his real body gets captured. So, we got nothing to lose with him at the frontline.

So why am I feeling so anxious?

The ringing of my phone brought me out of my reverie. An unknown number was calling me. Picking up the call, a female's voice answered me.


"Yeah. Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Melody, Kurapika's colleague. By the way, look to your right." I followed the woman's instruction and looked to my right. One building away from me was a woman in a green overcoat.

"Hang up then whisper a command to me." I did as she told me to and hung up.

"Raise your right hand." I whispered. The woman stood still for a few seconds before she raised her right hand.

Woah. That's some sharp ears.

"Wait there. I'm coming over." I said. Melody gave me a thumbs up, signaling that she got my message. I jumped from my initial position then climbed up the other building. Melody greeted me with a kind smile—although her big front teeth bothered me.

"Melody, right? Can you see if you can pick up anything from those ruined buildings?" I asked. Melody cupped the back of her ears and closed her eyes in concentration. For a while, we stood in silence. After a few more minutes, she perked up and turned slightly to her right.

"Hmm.... the rain is hindering me from hearing what they are saying but people are walking there," she pointed at the leftmost flank of the rundown buildings. "Judging from the footsteps, around five to six people—including women." For a second, Melody froze on her spot. A confused expression graced her face before she shook her head.

"They're heading to the opposite direction of those ruined buildings." She said. Disregarding her reaction earlier, I tried to see if I can hear anything with my own ears but found that I couldn'. I looked at Melody in amazement.

Aki (A Naruto/HxH Crossover Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora