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I felt that the previous chapter was too short so here's another update for today!!

Stéphanie <3


After a while, seeing that my friend was totally wasted, just like the rest of the group. We decided to call it a night, since tomorrow Arthit and I had a date planned. And I didn't want to miss it because he wouldn't have been able to sleep. Ai'tew of course wouldn't let go of P'Knott, who had no other choice but to take him to his room... I felt sorry for P', even more when my friend simply jumped on his back claiming that it'd be easier for him to walk.

As if we didn't see him latching on his senior's neck! But since it was past 3am none of us truly had a choice. The others made their way out too! Thankfully we weren't far away from the hotel since we had all drank too much to be able to drive. And with that we said our goodbyes, exchanging a knowing look with P'Bright, regarding his friend's situation! I promised him that P'Arthit would contact him once he's awake to pay a visit to these two!!

As for me I just needed to be able to make it, with all my clothes to the lobby. P', had decided that it was such a shame to cover my body, I begged P'Toota not to say a word, because in his state my boyfriend would do anything he was told... As I tried leaving, just as predicted, P' was in my lap, I tried to tall Arthit that this was nor the time or place, but he wouldn't listen. He hooked his arms behing my neck and started to kiss me, lightly at first, before trying to pry my lips open, seeing that I wouldn't do that.

He decided to attack my neck, leaving more bruises he truly did enjoy himself, and while looking at what he had done, his smile turned into a big grin, he told me that know no one would dare to make a move on me. I shook my head thinking that the one who should be careful was him, he never seem to understand, when people were hitting on him. That's why I was worried, because he treated everyone equally, who knows what someone who has a crush on him could do, they might take is eaasy going personnality as a fact that he did welcome their advances.


I promised myself not to drink that much ever again. Yet occasions kept coming up, and I couldn't turn down my best friends they would have my hide if it did that! But honestly I wasn't feeling too well, thankfully Kong was by my side I can't even imagine what could have happened, if he wasn't there. But let's not boost his ego or I wouldn't hear the end of it. For now, I really need to lay down and sleep knowing that I would pray the price for my attitude later. Once we arrived, I was about to go my dorm when Kong stopped me

- P', you should stay with me!

- Why should I ? I'm not a kid!

- I know that, but you drank too much I'd feel more at ease if you were with me.

- Kongpop don't forget that I'm your senior, I know what I am doing!

- That's not what I meant Ai'Oon, I mean I have everything ready for tomorrow when you wake up, bought the pills and congee ahead of time and will just need to heat up the soup.

Now that he said that, my fuzzy mind couldn't disagree with him. So I just gave in. Once in his room. He gave me some clean clothes and told me to take a shower, while he would prepare the bed. Damn it sounded so domestic, I'm really not used to anyone taking care of me... Maybe that's one of the reason I fell for him.

He is always so caring towards me, but let's not get carried away. I went in and took my shower.Once I got out I could see him lying on his side of the bed, I thought he must have been sleepy. I felt sorry for him for always looking after me, even when I do nothing but cause trouble.

- P', everything's alright?

- Yes, I'm just tired and a bit dizzy, since drank too much! It's the last time I will do so.

- You said that the previous time as well.

- Well let's make a deal next time I'm telling you, that I'm off drinking lock me up in my room.

- P', are you it's a good idea?

- Sure Kong, I promise you I won't make a fuss, if you get me my NomYen!

Why was he laughing, I was being honest!! I couldn't blame him though, I definitely could get mad, if anyone stopped me from doing what I wanted. But in this case it had everything to do with my image!! How could I still be a good hazer, if I acted like that towards my boyfriends, who only wanted to help me, and then would took it out on the juniors. But for now it was time to sleep. I laid down, Kong did the same hugging from behind.

I could feel his breath on my neck. Before I lost control, I got hold of his wandering hands, and told him to go to sleep because I was too tired. I could see him pout but he still didn't say anything, so I just turned my hand and gave him a light peck on the cheek before telling him to sleep. But one thing kept me from going to sleep right away! I had to take care of those freshmen going after my boyfriend.

But as they say "la nuit porte conseil" (which means while sleeping you might find a way to resolve any problem" in French). I don't know why, but I had a feeling that today would be a long day. Not to mention they Knott and Tew were in for a surprise, since everything had been recorded, I will ask Knott, on what should I do to keep those people away, but for now I just listened to Kong's slow breathing and fell asleep too.


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