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On the way back to our dorm, we didn't exchange a single word, I knew that he was blaming himself for everything, as if he was responsible for their actions, since we were in the car with P'Knott and N'Tew, I decided to wait until we were alone, before talking to him. He simply held my hand tightly, and I let him do so. Not even 15minutes after, we were nearly in front of our dorms:

" P', wouldn't it be better to rent a room nearby so none of them saw us staying together. "

" You're right, let's do that Kong!"

We walked a few more minutes until we found a motel. I asked for a room, and after paying the lady gave me the key. We went inside, and P' had still yet to talk to me, he was starting to scare me a little with his silence. I know that many things must be going through his mind, but still I couldn't help but worry about him.

" P', go take a shower first, I'll take it after you. "

" But we don't have any clean clothes. "

" That's fine, I will ask for a maid to clean them, we can just stay with the bathrobes until then. "

" If you say so. "

And he left without another word, I could hear the shower running, so I decided to get busy by asking for someone to clean our clothes. The person at the reception informed me, that someone would come in less than 10 minutes. So I took off my clothes as well while waiting. When I heard a knock, I opened the door and the lady took everything that needed to be cleaned, telling me that it would take 4-5 hours. Since we didn't have anything else to do I agreed.

" Kong, who was that? "

" The cleaning lady, we'll get everything back in less than 5 hours, that will leave us the time to talk, about what's bothering you. "

" I'm just worried... We don't even know who it could be. "

" So... "

" Maybe we shouldn't be... "

" Stop right there P', don't decide by yourself, we've got our friends with us, let's see how it goes. "

" But what if she hurts you? "

" And what if you are the one getting hurt my Oon? I didn't face rejections and hurt so many times to give up, when one person doesn't accept the fact that one if us doesn't want her. "

" What about the letter? "

" We'll see with the guys, for now there's nothing we can do. "

" I'll tell my dad, and you tell your sister, just in case, maybe they'll be able to help us."

" You're right Kong sorry for thinking of running away."

" As if I would have let you get away from me P'. "


Why did this had to happen now, we were happy without even bothering anyone. What's the point of someone trying to destroy your happiness? The only thing I knew, is that I couldn't let go of Kong, no matter what, it was selfish of me, but he had become such an important part of my life, I couldn't, no I didn't even want to imagine him not being by my side. Without realizing it, I reached for him and pulled him in my embrace, I laid my head on his chest, leaving little kisses on the skin I could reach, I was able to let out a breath of relief, that I didn't know  had been holding, until I felt his arms wrapped around me. I could hear his heartbeat, and that was all I needed right now, to have by my side.

" P', tomorrow call your sister and I will call my dad. "

" Yes Kong."

"But for now let's just rest, we'll call our friends and like today will definitely find a way to have them leaving us alone. But right now it's only you and me my Oon."

He kissed the top of my head before I knew it, I fell asleep while listening to the sound of his breathing. While P', fell asleep I decided to call my dad to let him know what was happening:

" Pôr, are you busy? I need to talk to you? "

" Of course not son, what happened? It's not like you to ask for help? "

" Few days ago, I received a letter, which said that if I didn't let go of P' I would regret it... "

" Does your boyfriend knows about it? "

" Yes, I told him right away, with our friends we discovered who was behind this scheme."

" Is it someone both of you know? "

" Yes Pôr, one it's Arthit childhood friend and the other one is a girl from my class, at this point we're still not sure, who they are targeting. "

" Send me a mail, with all the clues that you have gotten so far, I'll ask my lawyer to look into it. "

" Thank you so much, for your help, I know it hasn't been easy for you to accept this relationship, but I'm happy, I really am Daddy. "

" That's all your Mâe and I ever wanted, even if we forgot for a moment, that whoever you were with, didn't change the fact that we love you Kong. "

" I love too Pôr, send my regards to Mâe, if it's ok with you, I thought of coming home with P' for a few days, just In case. "

" Yes, do so we will be waiting for you, I'll let you know as soon, as I have more information."

And with that I hung up, my parents and I, had come a long way, ever since I told them, that I was in love with my senior, I felt better knowing that they would help us. Because we didn't have access to everything. And I knew, that my Pôr had enough power, to look into things we wouldn't have been able to. When I turned around, I was surprised to see my Ai'OOn, looking at me:

" Love, weren't you asleep? "

" No, I had just closed my eyes, and woke up when I felt that you weren't there. "

" I'm sorry, I needed to call my pôr to let him know, if it's ok with you, we'll spend a few days in my home, away from all the drama. "

" Are you sure, they will be ok with me coming with you? "

" Yes I asked pôr , and he said that he'd be waiting for us. We also need to send him all the information we have gotten so far, he'll look into it."

" Thank you Kong. "

" I didn't do anything, it's my... "

" That's not what my mean babe, even though I hurt you, not once you left me. I don't know what I would do without..."

" That's something we'll never have to find out P'. "

" It's late, let's sleep we need it, and then tomorrow we'll call your sister. "

Without another word, I made my way to the bed, and find myself immediately with P'Arthit, wrapped around me.

" Love you Kong, we'll get through this."

' Love you too my Ai'Oon, and yes we will get through this. Sleep well."

We closed our eyes, listening to the other breathing sound knowing, that, no matter what may come our way, it would only make us stronger and not the other way around...


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