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Kong where are you?

It has been two hours and still no Kong in sight. I called his friends, but none of them had seen him so far. What could be the reason he walked away? Did he thought that I would be mad at him or did he feared that I would go to Namtarn...? Why can't he see that I love him just as much as he loves me? I can't live without him. Choosing Namtarn over Kong hasn't crossed my mind, not even for a minute. I guess we're exactly the same. Which is to be sure of what the other is feeling without asking the person in question.

Ai'Knott got mad at me, saying that I should have insisted for Kong to stay and listen to what was being said. And I couldn't help but agree with him deep down. What a mess... Why do people think that just because I'm dating a guy, I would leave him for the first woman who comes by? But well in this case it's a bit different, I used to have a crush on her, a childish crush. Which can't compare to what I feel towards this damn junior of mine. I let out a scream:


- Ai'Oon what's wrong?

- What do you want Ai'Namtarn? I thought I had made it clear that I wasn't interested. And please call me Arthit, only Kong can call me by that name.

- But Ai'Arthit, give me....

- Namtarn, did you heard what Ai'Arthit has said? You should give up for good this time he made it clear, that he isn't interested! And now we need to find someone, so please leave.

- How dare you Ai'Prem?

- Ai'Namtarn, Prem is right, if you have nothing more to say to me, just leave and don't contact me again unless you get you act together like I told you.

And with that, we left with Ai'Knott, Ai'Prem, Bright and Toota. We decided to go on our separate way, and the first one to find him, would contact the other. I went to every single place I could think of, except the hazing hall! There's no way he would be there, but I'd better check just in case. I sent a message to everyone saying where I was headed.


I know that I shouldn't have left like that, but hearing Namtarn saying, that she wanted to get together with P', it crushed me. What if he decided to leave me for her? His family wouldn't make a fuss over her, unlike if it was me coming home with him. I let the tears fall down, thinking that I might never be able to hug him ever again. I love him so much that it hurts. He doesn't know that, but he is my first love and probably my last. I can't see a future without him in it. I already told my parents about him.

They weren't too pleased at first, but I made them see how good he was to me, behind his grumpy side, he is someone with a warm heart, always caring about me, taking care of me when I was sick, and staying over when we haven't met for a whole week. He is actually very shy and for some unknown reasons to me, he comes across as someone cold. Now they want to meet him. I hope this will be possible, if we're still together, I will ask him to come with me during our two weeks break. My sisters saw some pictures of him and said, that they totally understood, why I fell for him he is just too cute.

When asked what I like the most about him, I answered without thinking that it was pinching his cheeks, I really hope that no one will tell him, or he will kill me, because he absolutely hates it when I do that, I like to see him getting all flustered, and then angry because no matter how many times, he told me not to do it, I just can't help myself.

Thinking of it makes me want to cry, what if never get the chance to do it ever again. I was lost in thoughts when someone smacked my head pretty hard, i was going to get up and yell back when I saw who it was.

- P', what are you doing here?

- What do you think idiot?

- But what about P'Namtarn? Why aren't you with her...?

- Kongpop, don't you trust me?

- It's not like that P', I know, what she means to you. I just don't wan...

- Stop right there idiot, it's a wonder that you managed to be in the top 10 for the exams.

- But she said that, you asked her out to....

- Did you think of asking me whether or not that was true? We spent most of our time together when I'm not in class or hanging out with my friends.

- But P'...

- No listen to me, I have never hidden the fact, that I had a crush on her in the PAST. That's the key word, it's all in the past.

- But, maybe after spending some time with her, you could regret your deci...

- Owww... What should I do to get through your thick skull? KONGPOP I LOVE YOU, not her. I may not say it or show it every day, but you aren't a second choice. I chose to be with you because I want to, am I clear enough.

- I know, and I told her so. Are we ok now??

- P', can I hug you


Without even waiting for my response, he pulled me into his arms, it's definitely one of my favourite place to be. I can't believe, that this handsome kid lacks confidence when it comes to me. I need to work on it, and I should show him how much he meant to me more often, otherwise this misunderstanding might happen again.

I'll ask Ai'Knott and Ai'Prem for some advice, on what I should do, but before that, I need to have a good talk with Knott regarding him and Tew, I can sense something fishy.... That's what next mission will be, I'll ask Kong to talk to N'Tew, but for now I'm just going to enjoy the moment...



Get ready the next chapter will be focused on Knott and Tew, you can thank @LisaTatro, she is the one who suggested me to separate, both characters. I wasn't sure if I should do one chapter or make a special just for the two of them! So the next chapter will be about Knott and Tew, get ready XD I'm editing it right now!!!

Thank you so much for reading this fanfic it means so much!! I do read your comments and try to reply to all of them, if I haven't yet I'm sorry, I will do it tonight <3<3


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