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I have a rewritten a part of the chapyerand added kong's letter to arthit:



After the misunderstanding, which took place two weeks ago. Kongpop and Arthit were usually spending their time together at each other dorms, it had become a habit for Kongpop to wake up Arthit and for the latter to wait for him after  class ended and then go back together. Arthit's friends weren't blind they knew that something was going on, since they barely saw him anymore.

Bright: Oi Arthit who's the lucky girl?

Arthit: Shia Bright I almost chocked on my food what the hell are you talking about?

Knott: Ai' Bright is right, Ai'Oon for the past few weeks, you've been so busy that we didn't get to see each other outside of the classroom. 

Arthit: It's nothing, guys, just some personal stuff I need to deal with don't worry about me!

As he was going to suggest to go out tonight, to make up for all the time he spent with Kong instead of his friends. He heard Bright high pitched voice screamed:

Bright:Hey N'Aim, come over there, you can take our place we're done eating.

Prem: What the hell Ai'Bright, can't you see that some of us are still not done yet

Bright: Guys, how can you be so heartless, not helping our precious Nong who are looking for a table to eat ! Come on guys, go go, we don't have any time to waste. By the way N'Aim, in two days it will be the thank you party, andremember as athank you for the last time and this time I want two boxes of chocolate, you still have my numberin case you can't find the brand that I want, I'll tell you where to find them.

Toota: Shia Bright, I knew something was not right you were too nice, it did scare me seeing you like this.... Should have guessed you would ask for something in return.

Bright: Ai'Toota, don't be like that after all I'm N'Aim precious and lovely senior aren't I?

Aim: Ye.. Yes P'Bright.

Bright: See I told you, unlike you I'm loved by the juniors. Speaking of junior 0062

Kong: Yes P' what is it ?

Bright: What will you give our Ai'Oon since he is your co-code member ?

Kong: I don't know yet P', I'm still trying to find something.

Bright: If you want my opinion....

Knott: No, he doesn't want your opinion, he's doesn't need your help to find something, I'm not worried about him, you on the other hand, Bright..."

As the seniors got up and were about to leave the table Kong asked P'Arthit :

Kong: Will you be able to make it to the party, you said you had an assignment.

Arthit: I'm sorry Kong I don't think I'll be able to join. Oi, guys wait for me, don't forget that we got to hand our report before going to class.

Kongpop was disappointed, but he knew it couldn't be helped. Two days later they were all reunited for the party, Bright who had just gotten his two boxes of chocolate from his N'Aim, kissed him soundly on the cheek. On the other hand Kongpop just wasn't in the mood to celebrate, even when his friends tried to cheer him up he wouldn't react, he was just missing his boyfriend. P'Arthit wasn't even responding to his messages or picking up his phone call. To make matter worse he was at odds with May ever since she had confessed her feelings for him

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