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When I saw P'Knott, giving le the thumbs up, I knew that had to act and fast, I can see my boyfriend not paying attention to what P'Namtarn, is saying. But instead he seems to be looking for me. Which annoys the girl, when I see her getting to close to my P', I take a deep breath and hold tightly my lover's gear to give me some courage.

After counting to three, I jumped on one of the table, where no one was sitting and cleared my throat loudly enough so that now everyone is looking at me. I can see the seniors grinning and P'Arthit looking at me as if I've lost my mind and P'Namtarn, she just sits closer to my boyfriend, so many thoughts goes through my mind while seeing them so close. What if P', decide to take a chance on his childhood friend. I'm really worried but I made it so far, so it's too late to back out, I need to do it now. Before I chicken out, I start speaking loud and clear for everyone to hear me.

<< I'm sorry for disturbing your during lunch time, but there's something I'd like to make clear. For the past 7 months, I have been dating P'Arthit, we've never hidden our relationship ever since the "senior thank you party"! But even though it's quite clear that we are not available some girls won't take no for an answer. >>

- Wait does that mean that you're gay?

- I am going to make this clear, I am not gay, I love P'Arthit but if it wasn't him I wouldn't be with another man. You can put any label on me it doesn't matter.

- What about the girl next to Arthit, they seem to be close isn't she his girlfriend?

This time it was P' who answered, when he saw my hesitation at saying no.

- No, she isn't, that's my friend from High School and nothing more.

I could see that she wasn't pleased with Ai'Oon answer, but I was happy that he made it clear that there was nothing between them.

<< Everyone please let me finish. For the past few weeks, some girls became bolder, I am not someone who would ever hit a woman, but some of them are going too far, and are hurting us by their actions. I decided to make this announcement, to make it clear to everyone would know that there's only one person that I love. So you better refrain yourself from telling me how to live my life, or who I should like. It's pissing me off more than anything, now that I've said it I hope that people will leave us alone."

- But Kong we would make such a great couple.

I was shocked to hear that, I looked over to where P', was sitting, he suddenly got up and made his way towards me. I was scared that he might be angry with me, but instead he grabbed my head in his hands, and smashed our lips together, claiming me in front if everyone. I let out a small gasp and he immediately, took advantage of it to deepen the kiss his hands were around my neck. He had no intention of stopping, I had to be the one doing so, because I had no intention of giving people, a free show.


I can't, believe what I have just done, but that girl how dare she. Kong looked nervous being asked so many private questions I knew, that I had to help him out somehow. He did that to make sure that everyone knew that he was mine, because he knew that I hated people speaking behind our back or hitting on him. When he smiled at me, I knew I had made the right choice. We were lost in our own world not caring about anyone else, he took my hand interlacing our fingers. My friends were looking at me with their mouths hanging open, since I wasn't someone, who like to show any display of affection.

Suddenly I felt someone tap on my shoulder, when I turned around I saw Ai'Namtarn biting her lower lips before saying

- Ai'Oon, can we go somewhere quiet to talk?

- Sure, give me a second, Kong can you come with me.

- Can't it be just the two of us?

- I'm sorry Namtarn, but that's not possible.

- Why? He doesn't own you!

- No he just owns my heart, and he is my boyfriend and I don't want him to worry for no reason.

- If you say so.

She looked less than pleased but I didn't pay any attention to her.

I tugged at Kong's arm to ask him to come over with me, since Namtarn wanted to talk

- P', are you sure that, you want me to come? Maybe she wants to talk to you only

- Kong, don't worry about that ok, I have nothing to hide from you.

- I know P', I trust you, thank you for letting me come with you

I knew exactly why Kong, was giving me some space he wanted me to say whatever I wanted without being scared of hurting him, not that I would ever do so. Seeing Kong happy by sucha small gesture made my hear soar, I stole a glance at my friend who seemed unhappy that Kongpop had not left.

- Namtarn let's go sit over there.

- Yes Ai'Oon.

Once we reached the bleachers, I couldn't help but ask her what she wanted

- You see Oon, I had always hope that you would ask me out instead of Jay

- Then why did you agree, if you didn't like him?

- I heard it when you, telling him that you would help out.

- Hearing that I was devastated, that's probably why, I agreed to be with him. He is nice, but I still couldn't forget you.

- When we finally talked again, while I was trying to introduce my friend to Kong, I had no idea that he was yours, ever since I agreed to be with Jay, I regretted my decision that's why after knowing, you were with a guy, I thought I could still have a chance.

- What do you mean by that?

- Well didn't you go out with him, because you couldn't be with me?

After hearing her say such things, I wondered if I'd ever knew her at all, how someone could come up with such conclusion. I guess you never truly know someone until they want something from you. One thing for sure is that I would never leave Kong for her! He means the world to me, never complaining when I am late, or even grumpy for no reason, he accepts me wholeheartedly, and I don't like being apart from him

- I'm sorry Namtarn. But I love Kong, I won't leave him no matter what

- How can that be he is a guy, what's so good about him

- That is none of your business, you'll have to excuse me but now that you've said your piece it's my turn/ You don't get a say in my love life true iused to have a crush on you when we were younger but your attitude right now isn't so pleasing and i'd like it very much if you didn't talk as if Kongpop wasn't there that's why i wanted him to come here so he could see how much i love him and not you. Be happy that's all I want for you but it won't be with me.

- P'Namtarn I really hope you can found someone oher than my P'Arthit because i'll fight for him

And with that sid, I bid my goodbye and leaving without a second glance, I really needed to touch him to reassure myself that he was there so i linked our fingers together and he gave me his signature bright smile that i'll never take for granted. And that's how we made our way to the pinkmilk stall because with all the talking I had done i needed my energy back.


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