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For once, I woke up before Kong, he was still sleeping. He must have been tired during the weeks, since he had to work non-stop, and then during the week end we forced him to go out. I did felt bad to be honest, but it was just once in a while, so I knew for sure, that he wouldn't mess up his year.

Now that I think about it, when we left Ai'Knott had taken a drunk N'Tew with him, looking at the clock I saw that it was already a quarter to eleven. Which is why I decided to give him a call.

- Ai'Knott, are you feeling ok?

- Sure Ai'Oon! Slept like a log and you?

- Same for me, I love not having to wake up early in the morning, can you believe that Kongpop is still sleeping!

- Why did Kong do, kept you awake all night long?

- Shiaaa, not you too Ai'Knott, but... with all the work he had to do, he hasn't slept enough for the past few weeks.

- Ai'Arthit, there's no need, to lie about it, I know you too well. Yesterday after we kept, you made a point on telling everyone, that you wanted your boyfriend.

- Are you sure? You must have been dreaming, there's no way I would have said such thing.

- Don't deny it, should I ask your Kong, to see if that's true?

- No!! I mean, there's no need to... By the way did anything happen with N'Tew...

- ..... Nothing happened Ai'Oon, he was totally wasted.

- Ai'Knott please, I trusted you with my feelings and insecurities regarding Kong can't you trust me a little

- Eerr, errr, after I put him in bed, he kind of throw himself at me but we didn't go all the way we just jer...

- Wait no need to tell me in details. I get the idea, is he still here?

- Yes he's sleeping like the dead. Ai'Arthit what should I do if he doesn't remember?

- Take one thing at the time, you won't know, what he remembers or not, until he wakes up.

- Yes you're right; I guess I'll just have to wait then...

- But don't ever tell anyone please, we need to sort things out first.

- Idiot, you that you can count on me, after all if not for you, knocking some sense into me, I wouldn't be with Kong today. Take your time don't stress yourself over It, just know that I'll be there for you no matter what.

While talking to Ai'Knott, I wondered if i should tell him about those freshmen. Kongpop says it's nothing, but I don't like the way they all stick close to him. Since when did I become so jealous? He told me that I was the only one, showed me in every possible way that he was mine and yet my insecurities could make me lose him, if I didn't work on that sooner or later.

- Ai'Knott, if you were me how would you deal with it?

- Deal with what Ai'Arthit?

- The freshmen, being way to close to Kong!

- Arthit, did you told that to Kongpop?

- Not yet, I don't want him to think that I'm not trusting him.

- Oii Arthit, did you talk to him? Or did you made up everything in your head?

- ......

- Your silence means, that he doesn't know yet, how you feel about this matter. Shiaa Arthit don't be a coward and talk to him.

- But...

- No buts Arthit, you're driving yourself crazy for no reason. Hang up the phone and talk to Kong.

- Er, er, I'm going to do as you said, but if you or him laugh at me you're both dead!

- Don't worry Oon, Kong will understand, he care too much about you!

- Thanks Ai'Knott, I'll talk to you later.


I wasn't asleep, unlike Ai'Oon, I always wake up early, I knew that these junior being clinging to me, was bothering him. It's true, that I had received a few confessions, from both girls and boys, but i had every time single rejected them right away. He must have heard about it since, he was depressed. What could I do to make him understand that I only love him, he was it for me, it couldn't be anyone else.

- P'Arthit, why didn't you tell me that being close to the freshmen was bothering you?

- Well, they are better than I, there's a lots of cute girls. Kong from the start both of us are straight, I kept thinking, what if you meet a girl who suits you better than I?

- Love, it doesn't have anything to do with the gender. I fell for you knowing your flaws and your qualities. I didn't care and still don't give a damn to the fact that we're both men, it's simply has to be you, it can be anyone else, do you understand?

I took a few step in his direction and pulled him tight against me. My heart was beating like crazy, it was like that every time that he was near me. I traced his features with my fingers shushed him, by placing a finger on his lips he grabbed my hand interlacing our fingers and whispered:

<< You're the best thing which ever happened to me>>.

At that moment, I decided that even though we hadn't been together for a long time. I would prove him that he was the one for me.

I excused myself, for a second and called my best friend, asking him to accompany me to the mall tomorrow, we didn't have any class, so we decided to meet up around 9:30, hopefully would be, able to help me out to find the perfect gift for my boyfriend. And also I asked P'Knott, what I could do to make everyone understand that I wasn't available. That's when he proposed, to accompagny us, so that we could find everything we needed for the D-Day. He didn't say it in many words, but he was glad that I was trying my best to show P'Arthit, that i was really serious about him.Because he knew better than anyone else, that my Ai'Oon lacked confidence. I hope this would help him to realize, that I wasn't going anywhere without him. After hanging up the phone only one thing came to my mind

Tomorrow was going to be a long day, but it would be worth it, so I'd better not mess things up...


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