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Get ready for Kong cheesiness! This CHAPTER IS MATURE SO READ IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!


After my outburst, I felt guilty why do I always lose my temper like that? He hadn't said anything wrong, and was only teasing me, I looked at him eating in silence. I had to apologize, I didn't want to spoil our evening, because of my stupidity.

" Kong, please forgive me. I didn't mean it, I'm sorry. " I felt the tears starting to fall.

" It's ok P', I shouldn't have tease.. Ai'Oon why are you crying? It's really fine I'm not mad at you or anything. "

" But even on our anniversary, I managed to scold you for no reason. Forgive me na. "

He got up from his seat, and came to stand next to me took my hand, and made me stand up. He lifted my head with his hands and kissed me softly.

" Ai'Oon, don't blame yourself so much for this. If I was mad or hurt, I would've have told you, me teasing you is a habit and you have always reacted this way. So I never take it to heart. "

How can I be so lucky, I really wonder what good merits, I have done to have him in my life. Looking at him I put my hands on his, stand on my tiptoes and give him a quick peck before adding:

" Let's finish eating, there's something, I want to give you. "

" Sure babe, but first give me a big hug. "

This time I comply, without making a fuss and he whispers that he loves me. I tighten my hug before replying that I do too.

After that we eat our dinner in silence, just taking in each other presence.

Once we were done, we both entered the bedroom, Kong was again amazed at what I had done. I felt like a genius, and for once it felt like he could understand that I cared for him.

" Thank you so much love. "

" It's nothing, I just wanted to make today special. "

" My Ai'Oon, ever since we got together, every day is special for me. But for you to do this just for me, I'm blown away. Thank you doesn't seem enough babe. I love you, I really do. "

" I know, and I love you just as much, close your eyes for a minute I need to get something. "

As he did what I had asked, I went to my desk and retrieve the present, my heart was beating like crazy, what if he didn't like it? Anyway it was too late to back off now, since I already bought them. Suddenly a message popped up:

Line Group Messages:

Bright: SOOOO did you give him the bracelet?

Arthit: I was about to but an idiot messaged me...

Bright: Who the hell did that? Tell me I'll take care of him!!!

Knott: I think I know who the idiot is...

Prem: Er... Me too, but he doesn't realise it...

Arthit: Should I laugh or cry right now?

Toota: I'd say cry, because Kong will come to comfort you right away!

Bright: Why no one's telling who did that to our Oon?

Arthit: Someone tell him please I need to give my gift to Kong he is waiting.

Prem: Don't worry, we will try to make him understand.

SOTUS : STORY OF TWO UNLIKELY SOULMATEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz