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Hello guys, since it's my first time actually posting and sharing a story that I wrote

I hope you'll bear with me if there's any typos, grammatical errors since i am not an English native speaker.

With that said I hope you will enjoy the first chapter.

It's based on SOTUS with my favourite CP Arthit and Kongpope of course :). The characters and everything belongs to Bittersweet i am in no way making any profit from this fanfiction.

They told me not to but i really wanna thank @LukeLeeEvans @Kriispy_liion for the words of encouragement, advice and everything !! Without these two I would have never had the nerve to publish anything !! Love you guys <3



This story will remain mainly the same but i've decided to re write it since i wasn't satisfied with how things were hope you'll bear with me !!


Hello, for those who don't know me my name is Kongpop Suthillack and I'm 18 years old student from the faculty of engineering. I fell in love with my senior P'Arthit a third year student and my head hazer. And this is our story.


No matter how many times I ask myself this question, I still don't understand, why he is asking me to come and eat with him. I told him during the wedding reception that by forcing himself to talk to me, it might get my hopes up. Hasn't he already made it clear that we would never be together this way, why should I go through this all over again. Maybe I should just ask him. instead of making thousand possible scenarios in my head and since thinking all by myself won't get me anywhere, that's for sure I better ask him what the hell does he wants from me. I did so believe me and the answer I got was unexpected he wants me to go eat with him since he is hungry can things get more messed up, so for now I am against my better judgement following him.

Kong: P' Arthit ?

Arthit: Yes Kongpop what is it?

Kong: Why are we here P'? You've been avoiding me since i tried to confess

Arthit: Just shut up for a minute and decide on what you'll eat

Kong: But P'

Arthit: Not now Kongpop

This guy acts as if nothing happened, is he the same guy who told me to  keep his books if I didn't let go of them, is he the same man who hung up on me just as I was about to confess to him. True to his words he avoided me and I had to bother P'Knott to return him the books

Arthit: 0062 don't think so much and eat or your noodles will get bloeated

Kongpop: But P' I need...

Arthit: Kong eat your food we'll talk I promise you but for now eat

Kongpop: Yes P'

Even though he said that to reassure memy thoughts were all over the place, I couldn't help but think: Is this the last meal we will be sharing ?
Will I be ever able to enjoy being by his side even as his junior ?
Will he tell me not to approach him ever again ?
All of this, is giving me a headache.
Why oh Why did I have to confess to him?

I now fully understand why he didn't confess to Namtarn, it's so hard to be rejected. If I had kept my mouth shut maybe all of this wouldn't have happened. Mâe always told me to think twice before acting and not be so impulsive. I guess I should have listened to her more carefully or I wouldn't be in this mess. Time flew by faster than I had hoped. I want to treasure the time I have left with him. Both of us are already done eating and after paying for the meal.

P' decided to go for a walk, soon we found ourselves near the RAMA Bridge. From here the view was beautiful, all those lights illuminating the city and reflecting on the river it was a sight to behold, if only I hadn't been in such a sour mood I would have enjoyed the view as much as the company but deep down, I couldn't help but being scared about what was going to happen next. But a tiny part of me had some sort of hope he wouldn't bring me to dinner and there if he was going to reject me right ? He would have just done so, but then it's P'Arthit we're talking about the most complicated and fascinating man I've ever met?

Of all the things he could have said and done, this one took me by surprise. Did I heard him wrong ? Yeah it must be my imagination...

Kongpop: P' Can you repeat what you just said please ? I'm not sure I heard you correctly ?

Arthit: Like I said  aren't you tired of always walking in my shadow ? Following me no matter where I am going, without even asking me where i'm heading? Isn't it tiring for you ?

Kongpop: No, P' as long as it means that I am being able to stay by your side, I don't mind following you anywhere you may want to go. That's the only thing I am sure of !

Arthit: Kong, you do know that we are both men, right? That I am your P' and your are my Nong ?

Kongpop: Yes, I know that !

Arthit: You know that I'm a late riser to whom you can't talk to unless I had my pink milk ? That I can be the biggest idiot sometimes . That I am not good at expressing myself ?

Kongpop: I know that too P' !

Arthit: Even knowing all my flaws, are still sure of yourself, about wanting to be by my side Kong?

Kongpop: Yes, P' I want to be with you and no one else. P'Arthit do you also want to be by my side, knowing all my flaws just I like I know yours ? I am far from perfect but I like you. That's the only thing I'm sure of.

Wait is P'Artit is blushing ? oh my god he's even cuter than I could have ever imagined. If I wasn't head over heels for him, I would have fallen in love all over again.

Kongpop:  But what about you P', are you able to accept me as I am ? With all my flaws ? Knowing that I am not perfect too ? That I don't like pink milk as much as you do, that I can be a cheeky brat...

Arthit: That Kong is something that I can't answer right away. Since I do not know you enough.

My heart just shrunk after hearing those words, just as I was about to respond he grabbed me by my tie and kissed me. My beloved P' kissed me, it didn't last long barely a few seconds but the feel of his lips on mine still lingers. My heart is about to burst, I need a few minutes to calm myself down.

Arthit: I don't know you enough yet but I am willing to. This is my answer Kong.

Kongpop: P' please can you give me your answer once again, I'm not sure I understood what you meant.

Arthit: Shiaa Kong  don't start with me or you'll regret it ! I'll say it just this once time so you better remember it

Kongpop: Yes my P' Arthit I won't forget it, I promise you to always remember this moment.

On the way back to the dorm my heart felt like it could explode at any moment. I tried to reach for his hands, but all the way until we arrived at the dorm he kept on "pushing" me away. I couldn't help but want to tease him. In the few months I had known him, it was the first time seeing him so shy and I was thankful for being the reason why.



That's all for today guys hope you enjoyed it let me know if you want me to keep me on going, You can leave me remarks on what I can do to make it better :)

Thanks guys <3

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