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Why can't I write this letter, it's just so difficult, don't get me wrong I have a lot to say to him. But every time I'm writing it down, it seems like it's not good enough, so I start all over again. I need to prepare everything, without much time left, but how I can do so, when I haven't even put down a single word on this piece of paper. I have never been good at expressing myself, let alone write it down. But I promised myself to do so.

So here's goes nothing this will my last attempt, to make it easier, I will write as if I'm talking to Kong directly! Yes that's it, why didn't I thought of doing it sooner. I smacked myself for being so dumb. I start all over again, and this time I am quite pleased with myself, after reading it one last time. Sure it won't win any prizes, but at least it's my true feelings. Now I need to cook quickly, I prepare Kong's favourite effin' bland food. And leave it on the counter, I will heat up the dinner, when we'll get back from buying our drinks.

I'm a mess literally, what if it's not good enough? What if it doesn't match Kongpop's expectations? No I shouldn't be thinking like that, I remember that he once told me that what was important wasn't the gift itself, but how it had been chosen. It should be the same with my confession right? I may not show it but I love him, those feelings I thought I had for Namtarn are nothing compared to what I feel for Kong. How did I end up, liking this too handsome for his on good annoying brat? I don't have the answers and that's ok, I'll take it as it was meant to be.

Which is true at some point since he had admitted choosing this field because I had talked to him while he was waiting for his turn to be interviewed. Now that I think of it, knowing this horny bastard I should... Er... I should probably get a shower just in case. Wait? Why I'm blushing even though, I am just talking to myself? I must be crazy for reaching that point. But anyway as people say better safe than sorry, so I hurry to the bathroom, take a shower, choose carefully my clothes. Yes I do want to impress him. Looking at the clock it's almost 5, I make sure that everything is in order before leaving my room, to wait for him near his building.

I receive a text saying that he's done and I just reply that I'll be waiting for him outside. Once he arrives, I don't let him talk, I just grab his hand and lead him to the stall because I need my NomYen.

- P', sometimes I'm really jealous of it, liking NomYen this much!

- Why would you say something so stupid Kong?

- Well you waited for me, but instead of saying hello or I missed you, you dragged me there.

- I need it to survive, I told you that before we got together. So don't complain now.

- I know P', you're the one and only cute pink milk monster in my heart.

- Stop being so cheesy Kong.

- Ow P', you simply bring out the best in me.

- Er... er... Whatever. What do you want to drink by the way? Same as usual?

- Yes P'.

After that we don't talk much, while waiting for our drinks, I realized that we are still holding hands, but for once I decide to interlace our fingers. He seems to be shocked, but I just smile at him. I'm happy not to be turning red this time. After all I did say that I would make more efforts, I'm still not ready to be all lovey dovey with him in public, but this I can do it. Once our drinks are ready, he's about to go order the food but I stop him.

- Kong, let's go back to my dorm.

- But P', what about our food.

- I was bored this afternoon so I cooked instead. Don't worry, I didn't make anything spicy.

SOTUS : STORY OF TWO UNLIKELY SOULMATEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora