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As I left P'Arthit and the seniors, I was actually feeling bad for cutting short our time together, but I had something or more accurately someone to deal with. I knew that she had a crush on my boyfriend, ever since the trip to the beach she wasn't really keeping it a secret. And that was fine by me, if Arthit had chosen her over me, I wouldn't have interfered... But now this has to stop, she may be in my class, but I can't really call her a friend, since I'm always with Aim, Tew, Oak and occasionally Wad. Her two other friends were nice I'd been in the competition with Prae and she was a nice girl, just like May who used to have a crush on me, but once I rejected her, she simply said that she wanted to tell me that in order to move on, and since then we had started to talk normally without any problems. But Maprang, was another case, when P' announced our relationship during the "Thank you party" for the senior, I knew she was there and heard it clearly, but apparently she didn't think, it was such a big deal since neither me nor P' had been attracted to men before. The more I was approaching the classroom, the angrier I got. Which is why I decided to call Aim to talk to him before confronting her.

He answered right away and told me he'd be there in 10. I leaned against the wall and waited for him, I could see he was running and I felt bad about it, rushing him was the last thing I wanted to do, but I needed my best friend's advice.

Kongpop: Ai'Aim, sorry for asking to meet me so suddenly

Aim: It's ok Kong, so what's up, you seemed pretty upset on the phone.

And hence I told him the whole story and what had happened since yesterday, Aim who was normally calm couldn't help but pissed off, just as much as I was by the situation.

Aim: Kong, what do you plan to do?

Kongpop: I have no idea, if I'd listen to myself right now the outcome wouldn't be good.

Aim: Did she ever confess to P'Arthit, to seem so confident?

Kongpop Yes, he told me that just before handing us our gear, she told him that she loved him. But he politely declined, saying that he was considering her as his junior only.

Aim: May told me, that she got his number from Prae because she begged her, since she need it to confess. Honestly Kong, knowing you, you won't stay still if she keeps throwing herself at your boyfriend.

Kongpop: You really don't have to remind me, she's lucky to be a woman or I'd have dealt with her already. Do you know if she's in the classroom?

Aim: No there's only me, Tew, Prae and May, we were actually waiting for her, she called saying she has a good news to share.

Hearing that I felt my heart broke, what if after yesterday, P' decided that it was better for him to be with a woman instead of me? What did I do for her to go to such extent...? Seeing that Aim wasn't coming back, the rest of the group came over to us, looking dejected. Tew was the first to talk ...

Tew: Kong, I'm sorry we know that you wanted to talk to Aim but don't forget that we are here for you as well!

Kongpop: Wait, what do you mean?

May and Prae looked at each other, not really knowing if they should bring up the subject and who would ... after 5 long minutes Prae, cleared her throat and said:

Prae: I'm sorry, I just got a call from Maprang, and she told us that Arthit had finally agreed to go out with her.

Kongpop: Prae, that's impossible, I was with him not even 20 minutes ago and we were still together. Plus P', told me yesterday that he had already rejected her once before, I trust him, if he were to break up with me, I'd be the first person to know.

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