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After eating at our usual noodle shop, P'Pang wanted to go shopping and since she helped us. We had no choice but to follow. As we passed by a jewellery shop, I told them to go ahead, because I needed to check something. It's almost our 6 months anniversary so I want to get him something special, as I went through lots of rings, bracelet, necklaces... Something finally catch my attention it's a couple bracelets, the design is simple but will fit us perfectly.

" Excuse me, may I know the price for these two? "

" Of course Mister, it's 1560฿, for the two of them. And for free we can add up to 6 letters for free. "

" That's perfect, I'll get them then. "

" Do you have anything you want to write ? "

" Yes, actually for the moon one could you write on the verso 🖤Oon, and on the other one 🖤Kong ? "

" Sure, it should take us around 30minutes, can you wait? "

" Yes, if course I will. Thank you Ma'am. "

I sent a quick text to my sister.

Line messages:

Arthit : Can you please wait a bit longer I am getting something for Kongpop but it will take around 30minutes.

P'Pang : Sure, I need to find a coat anyway, so I will drag him along even if he looks like a lost puppy without you.

Arthit: That's funny P', I can't imagine Kong being like that.

P'Pang : Want me to send you a picture?

Arthit: That won't be necessary but thank you for asking. As soon as I'm done I'll join you P'.

P'Pang: Sure, see you soon Oon.

While waiting, I can't help but think that we have been together for so long already, I never thought that it would last to be honest, so I am surprised, but deep down I am glad, that Kong never gave up on me, or we wouldn't be happy together today. While they made the arrangement, I went to buy myself a NomYen, you can't blame me I needed to relieve my stress of doing something so out of character for me. I hope that what I got us will please him. It's too late to change now anyway, finally I saw the employee coming back with the items in her hands.

 It's too late to change now anyway, finally I saw the employee coming back with the items in her hands

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" What do you think of it sir? Is it to your liking? "

" Yes, it's perfect! Could you please wrap it them: with a ribbon since it's a gift?"

" Of course Sir, here you go. So that will be a total of 1560 ฿. "

After paying for it, I left the store and ran to where they were. As soon as I arrived, I could see Kong smiling brightly at me and my heart skip a beat. Will I be alive tomorrow? I should say my goodbyes to P', just in case. After shopping for almost 3 hours. She has to go because of an appointment. I jumped of joy on the inside, we are so tired and I just want to go back to give him the gift.


Don't get me wrong P's sister is awesome, but walking for hours and in the end not buying anything is in my book, a total waste of time not that I would tell her. I hope that P', feels the same:

" Ai'Oon, can we go back ? "

" Yes please, I'm too tired to even take the subway do you mind if call for a taxi ? "

" Not at all, it's an excellent idea. "

While in the cab we don't talk much today was eventful, meeting with P'Pang and then the girls, I feel drained of energy, and it feels like I am not the only one. We drag our tired selves to my dorm, and as soon as we enter it, both of us jump on the bed to lie down. And immediately fall asleep.When I woke up it was almost 8 pm, seeing that P' is still sleeping soundly, I decided to go out and buy us something to eat since he might be hungry later.

I went to the stall and ordered our usual food and our drinks. When I finally came back P', was getting out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist. I looked at him and blushed furiously, knowing that food at this particular moment was the last thing in my mind, and he seems to realize what I was thinking, since he grabbed his clothes and went back, inside the bathroom. That's fine, because one way or another i'll have my Ai'Oon tonight, he better be prepared...


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