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After talking, to Ai'Knott, I knew that I had to do something but what? I searched online for some ideas, most of them were about creating a seductive ambiance with roses, background music, a romantic dinner and so on... But will I have the strength to do that? It's not time to think to much, i have to do it. And I ended up skipping class, in order to get everything for tonight. I was so nervous, my palms were sweaty, but I couldn't back out now, not if it meant taking the risk of losing him, because of my shyness, and then me not expressing my feelings clearly enough. Because I loved him, and I wanted him to know and understand that, for him not to feel insecure ever again.

So I went to the market which hold everything you needed, seems like like the sellers were aware of what I was trying to do, by seeing the look on their faces.  My cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, but I was on a mission so I didn't have the time to dwell on it, I wanted show Kong, just how much he meant to me, so I could stand the knowing looks and the teasing. Once I had everything, I headed to my dorm, seeing that had received messages from Kong, "Asking me of I was awake, Saying that he was missing me..." I didn't answer, instead I just answered him by telling him to got to my dorm around 6:30pm. Looking at the clock, it was not even 1pm yet. I had 5 hours, to put my plan into action.

My room being small the kitchen, the table, and the bed where in the same unit no door, to separate my bedroom, from the rest of my place, but this would have to do. I decided to look up  for ideas on internet, I spread petals of roses on my bed, the table where the chandeliers where, added some candles to add a romantic touch, something seemed to be missing... But what could it be?

I knew, that upon seeing that, Kong would probably kiss me senseless, as soon as will enter the door, I knew deep down, with everything I had prepared, this could lead to somewhere, i wasn't sure, I was ready for yet, it's not that I didn't want it don't get me wrong, but I had no idea of what to do, since he was my first relationship. Hence, my decision to call  Ai'Toota...

Toota- Ai'Arthit, in which honour do I owe this call?

Arthit- Shia, Toota, I'm not in the mood to joke, I need some advice!

Toota- I'm listening, my friend.

Arthit- You know, when hmm, when with your boyfriend you decide to...

Toota- You mean, when you decide to sleep with him ?

Arthit- Yes, does it hurt, shia this came out wrong!! I mean what am I supposed to do ?

Toota- Darling, listen to me, listen to your instinct, if your ready, your body will know it, and will be relaxed. Just don't forget the condoms and the lube. And make sure that you or Kong are really stretched or it could hurt... a lot.

Arthit- I'm just saying, but if I'm not the one on top and if it's Kongpop, will that make me less of a man?

Toota- Now, now, whathever you do behing closed door, stays behind. No on will ask you what you did or didn't, sure we like to tease you, because you get embaressed easily, but we would never take things that far. Ai' Arthit, don't think too much,just go with the flow, and see what happenes.

Arthit- Thanks Ai'Toot, I'll get everything ready before he arrives. Talk to you later...

Just as finish, the last preparation, I heard someone opening the door, it's Kong, I ran to him give him a quick peck on the lips and tried to say; I.. I, Just wanted to do something special for you.

I took his bag pack and put it next to the sofa, taking his hands in mine, I led him to table, where he sits without saying a word, he looks at everything that i had done, and when turn to me, I can see a big grin on his face.

Kongpop- Thank you P', for all you did, it's beautiful, it's..., it's perfect.  

Arthit- Kong, I know that I'm not good with words or at expressing myself, but know that I love you, you aren't a second choice.  Even now, that Namtarn is single, you're the one I want to be with, I won't change my mind, because I don't want to be with anyone but you.

Kongpop- P', Can I kiss you?

He took me by the arms, making me sit on his laps, this kiss isn't gentle, no it's more like he's claiming me as his. It soon become messy, my hands are in his hair, not wanting to break the kiss, but we eventually, we have to, because we both need to breath, with one hand in my hair, and his other hand travelling all along my spine, it sends shivers through my body. I want nothing more, than to feel his skin on mine. Which is why, I quietly led him to my bed, while we undress each other.

This time it's going to be different, I know it, feel it in the way he touches me, looks at me and strangely, it doesn't scare me, because it's Kongpop in front me, and I know that he would never hurt me,  And I don't care, as long as it's him, he can do whatever he wants with me.

Arthit- Kong, let me lay down, i read somewhere that it will make things easi...

He cuts me off, by kissing me, guess i'm talking too much, but who can blame me, i'm a total mess, my mind is in chaos. Still he gently lay me on my bad, his burning eyes, never leaving mine.

Kongpop-My Sun, you're so perfect, so beautiful.

I'm about to protest, but I feel his hands travelling down my body, until they reach my aching member. I just can't hold back anymore.

- aaah, nng, kong don't nnnh please !

His only answer is to put his mouth to my ear and whisper, that it's only the start. He nibbles at the joint between my shoulder and neck, it's my most sensitive part and he knows it,he's going to leave a mark for sure, but i'm too happy to care.

Tears are forming at the corner of my eyes, because of all the pleasure he's giving me.

- Kong, please, don't aaaah, I caaan't please!!

- My Oon this is only the start, I'll have you soon begging for more



Just this once i decided to leave a real cliffhanger, to see what kind of ideas you can come up with, because after all, Kong did say he'll have his blushing senior begging for more XDXD

At least you know that tomorrow, it won't be LIGHT MATURE CONTENT, MATURE CONTENT.

I wonder why will Kong do....

See you tomorrow for the aswers <3

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