let's talk religion a lil bit/Houston

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I'm agnostic, so that means I'm not 100% sure that God is a thing but lowkey I think that's all of us. Like no one REALLY knows. You can't tell me you KNOW FOR SURE cuz you don't fam. I think it's a dope concept. If he's real, heeeey, girl! Heaven finna be lit! Hearing something your whole life doesn't mean it's a fact, you know. I'm not here to bash Christianity or religion in general, though. I'm just genuinely confused by it. I know cool stuff happens and we attribute it to God but it could literally just be chance. But also, we're floating on a big ass rock in the middle of nowhere in space. like...... whut? Also, who gave God a gender? Why y'all do that? Now men think they're the best thing to happen to the world. And y'all not lmao I promise. 

Anyway, I was on Twittter today and some guy randomly mentioned that people will make up any excuse not to go to church. He's like "they're always saying pastors are frauds and people are hypocrites and blah blah blah, but it doesn't matter. You're only there for God." TAH ME, he tried to allude that if you don't go to church or don't like it, it's only because you don't WANT to like it. First of all, lemme ask y'all something. What's wrong with praising the Lord in your own crib by yourself? Ain't God everywhere? Ain't he with me everywhere I go? SO, why would it matter if I show up to church or not? If I don't want to listen to someone else's interpretation (cuz that's what it is, girl) of the Bible and go off of my own, why is that a problem? Why is it better for me to go listen to someone else yell at me (who probably ain't so clean of sin himself) rather than chill at home and praise him when I want to? Like? Put me on, y'all. Remember how I said I'm not really sure about God and religion? Well, let's say I know FOR SURE that Christianity (using this as an example cuz I grew up around it) was real-- I'm STILL not gon' be in church. I'ma just do what I want at home and praise him in whatever way I choose. TAH ME, it sounds better to have a direct line to da Lawd himself instead of trusting what someone else says the Bible says. I talk to myself all the time so me and da Lawd would probably be talking all the time. It's funny cuz as an Agnostic, sometimes things happen, and I'm like "holl'up.... was da Lawd or am I just that awesome at cramming for tests???". Honestly, in my opinion, sometimes people credit God for EVERY LITTLE THING and In' just like ... "it's okay to feel good about yourself. it's okay to say that you worked your ass off for whatever promotion you received. Even atheists can do that, girl. It's not only reserved for religious people lol." Whew, that was a long quote. Wouldn't it be trash if you went to hell for saying you weren't sure about religion? lol. Not "fuck religion, it's horrible and it's fake and phony", but simply, "idk, girl."

Oh, and yeah, I thought it was trash of Joel Osteen for having to be shamed into opening his church for those flood victims. Someone else, a Christian--devout, I'm sure, said something that annoyed me. He said basically that even the non-believers/skeptics who STAY with something negative to say about churches were mad that Joel Osteen hadn't opened up his church. He was basically taunting nonbelievers, like "I thought ya said religion was a sham, I thought ya said this, I thought ya said that, now here y'all go, mad. They always come back!" I'll speak for the nonbelievers even though I have yet to arrive to a conclusion. First of all, just because WE choose not to partake in that life, there are STILL people out here that do. Don't lose THEIR trust, too. Like DAMN. I understand that Joel's church is a huge and it used to be a stadium so he'd need staff. Well, sir, these people out in Houston just wanna be out of the water, fam. They don't wanna be on roofs anymore. They want to go to sleep without fear of dying, sir. They want to be inside where they know they can be safe. They don't wanna drown by exhaustion. While I'm sure they're hungry and thirsty too, we can't eat and sleep if we drown, girl. I feel like they would greatly appreciate being let into your building even if it meant there was no electricity, for the sake of having hope that they can make it out of the storm alive.

Even if I don't believe that religion is good and church is bad, I feel like they should work harder at being more convincing lmao. Like damn, don't crush THEIR dreams. Like some people, if they didn't have anything to live for besides their religion would probably decide life isn't worth living and decide to end it all. it's like, even though we might not believe, we don't wanna see anyone's spirit broken down-- ESPECIALLY after such a big tragedy. Like DAMN, we still have hearts lol

And lastly, lemme go off a lil tiny bit on Kevin Hart. Girl, what the fuck do you think you are doing, nominating Beyonce for your lil "showoff challenge", cuz that's what it is lol. I think he tried it. If you're going to donate, cute for you. That is a very nice thing to do. But, I don't understand why you want everyone to join in and make it a celeb trend, like YOU'RE the first to start it? You're not lmao. You can have your lil challenge, but nominating BEYONCE? Bih, she is FROM Houston, Texas. You think she was gonna sit out of donating until YEW nominated her, sir? Is that what you think? 'Cause that's false and I feel like we all know it. I'm not even a stan and I thought that was a dumb move for you. She STAYS repping Houston so why wouldn't she donate, sir? I feel like she donated a good half of Kev Hart's net worth. You KNOW she's real private! She stays with her hand on someone's reconstruction project. We barely know because she doesn't really create videos talking about what she's doing. We usually find out years later,playing with her lmao. Probably donated before you even knew what was going on. She probably donated more money in conjunction with that "Hidden Amount" of money on the Red Cross website. Hmph.

this is long af wow okay bye

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