Fine People Problems

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Don't you hate when fine people who clearly know they're fine give off the impression that they don't believe that they are fine? I mean, sheesh. I know we don't all feel like the baddest bitch at all times (bc we're not lmao) but DAMN. These people receive compliments day in and day out about their looks and it's like not like they don't know it lmao. Like I know there are some people who don't know and those are my favorite kind of fine people. Honestly, if I could be any kind of fine, it would be the fine where I don't know I'm fine. Like, you'd be able to tell that I'm unaware of my looks because I'd be genuinely shocked that so many people like my face. Alas, Gawd was like "nah, u good". He/She decided that I would be trash if I were actually fine. And it's funny, because I do have the days where I feel like "oh, bitch. it's lit" and stare at myself. I lowkey think it's because of my hair. Who knew going natural would give me such a boost in confidence? I think it's because even if it was messy, big hair always suited me best.

And i know depression is real and affects self esteem and all that jazz but i'm kinda joking so don't get all sappy on me sheesh.

 Anyway, forget that, let's discuss academics.

Remember when I said I was gonna transfer colleges? Well, girl, even though I have ZERO desire in going back to my current school, I'ma have my ass right back in there. I was already gonna graduate a semester late, so going elsewhere would have had me graduating even LATER. So, I'ma stay my black ass here. The bright side about graduating a little later is, I fully intend to walk away with my second bachelor's degree the following semester. So, I'll have been in school for 5 years, walking away with 2 degrees. Yeah, I know some people did it in 4 and that's very cute, but this is about me, so........

Let's recap this very short and rambly chapter:

1)fake bashful fine people are the worst.


2) stay on top of all your crap in college and graduate in 4 years (don't be like me *sobs*)

College isn't a race but who the fuck wants to be there longer than they have to, nahmsayin'? 

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