Dream Collection #2

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#1: Dumb Ass!

You all know how much I dislike being at my current school, correct? Well, in my dream, I was in a new one; an HBCU. So, one day, I walked outside of my room. I don't know what I was going to do, but I came across an unconscious teacher. I can't remember if I left to go tell somebody, but I remember dragging his body in my room to try to revive him. Anyway, he ends up dying. Never went and told anyone. Days pass and I'm like "okay, I'm gonna tell today." and then I wouldn't do it because I knew how bad it looked. I just be doing dumb ass shit in my dreams lmao. Luckily, in real life I'm not that dumb.

#2: Sick Baby

So there's the lady I follow on Instagram. Her son has the same condition I do. I don't know how or why, but I ended up babysitting him. He's at the age where he can understand commands and stuff. So, I guess I was talking to him and out of nowhere, she started puking. I was like "Uh-Unh! I ain't cleaning that up." SO then, I told him to go get a towlel and clean it up himself. He didn't answer me, he puked again. SO guess who had to clean that shit up? Me! Luckily the dream ended before I actually came into contact with it lol.

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