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PSA: i'm channeling my inner jewel right now.

she's the author of the rant book

also, some of my sentences may be incoherent and it's because i can't think straight rn

anyway hey, it's been a while. so, here's an update on my life.

- I came back to school not knowing if I could register for classes oops

-I am the queen of avoiding awkward situations that I can foresee

For me to explain that, I'll have to tell you which classes I registered for this semester.

*Latino Class

*Philosophy Class

*Foundation Education Class

*Theatre/Drama Class

First of all, I knew I wasn't gonna be too excited about the Latino Class as soon as I saw the syllabus. He wanted us to present a chapter from two books we're reading to the class. BY OURSELVES. A couple days later, we all picked numbers out and got randomly assigned our chapter. BOTH of my chapters would have happened within two weeks of me starting the goddamn class, over a span of two weeks. At first I was gonna deal with it. So then I ask the teacher "hey girl where are the books at?"

He goes, "they're on Amazon lol".

I don't have Amazon money. I wouldnt have been able to study my chapter until the day before i was supposed to present, i think. that was a setup, so I just decided to switch courses. I thought that class was boring as fuck anyways, so why not switch to something more interesting, like Art? I know about Art, you know? I can write paragraphs and shit from a picture, right? It's a LANGUAGE Arts class. I didn't know off rip because it's centered around Picasso, an actual artist. I ain't know I'd have to read three million books about him! Bye! BYE! So I get there, and the class is already thrown in the middle of a project.... in the second week, jesus. I'm thrown into a group not knowing what the hell is going on and we're the second group to present our project. Yay :) Shout out to me for trying to avoid presentations, JUST TO FUCKING HAVE TO PRESENT ONE EVEN SOONER :)))))

*if you couldn't tell by my erratic writing, I dropped the class because I knew I would not be prepared for either presentations, therefore sinking my grade before the middle of the semester :)

They make me so nervous, because i keep tellin yall, for me to be a junior, my sign fucking sucks lol. I should have caught on to waaaay more sign but i stay in my room and talk to myself in english so............

The theatre class will stress me out, but i'm convinced the art class will take me out first lol.

I also have to do presentations for that too but i volunteered and it's gonna be geared towards little kids, so, easy peasy.

it would be if she didn't suggest we come up with five "presentations" in TWO different categories :)

she ALSO put me in a project :)))))))

....after telling me I could sit the first round out because they're presenting NEXT GODDAMN WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't even have the option to slack off and let the other people take the reigns because she put me in a "group" with one other person and everyone knows you need at least two people to take over the project and not be looked at because usually there's only enough to explain for two people lol

i might cry

i might not

i probably won't because i'm not a lil bitch

i'm so stressed, i'm not even using correct grammar.

ima die jesus. ima die.

jk, i will survive. like Gloria Gaynor.

I only know her name because of Dance Dance Revolution.

Gotta go do some actual schoolwork

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