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He parted away breaking the hug.
Anika was refraining her tears and smiled. "I am not letting my crush spoil our friendship. Well, a crush isnt that big a deal it was just a mis understanding. He wasnt proposing me. He isnt into me. Im just over-reacting" she self-assures herself in mind.

"You aren't in you fifth month of pregrancy are you? (Contols his laughter) Anika gives him a angry look.

"Nothing.. but you get a lot of mood swings. You are happy the first second and crying the next" he says and starts laughing.

Anika just smacks on the back of his head and tries to leave.
He holds her by her elbow and stares right into her eyes.

"Whatever be it. Dont you ever cry. I cant see you crying!" He says making Anika jaw drop.

"I mean.. i cant see anyone crying. I just dont like these.. these.." (he points to her tears. ) She giggles. He smiles and bids her goodbye.

Anika had taken a day off to go for his shopping, while shivaay had come in the middle of his work.

She was feeling alright now. But she kept thinking about that moment.

"Chiii.. how stupid i've been. It was an engagement ring that someone else had arranged to propose his girlfriend. It came to me by mistake. How senseless am i to think shivaay would be proposing to me. Like.. we know each other only two weeks back. Became his friend only a day before and it is ridiculous of me to imagine him doing that.. he must be thinking about me as a loyal friend. I should probably behave like one" She rants on her mind for a minute.

Later the next minute,

"But i dont regret the fact that he is handsome. I can keep looking at those deep blue-green ocean eyes of his the whole day. His perfectly angled hair strands, his held-high face, his mesmarising voice, his .... wait a minute!! Chi Anika!!!!!! Stop crushing him for god's sake." She shrinks her face and jumps on the floor with frustration.

2minutes later,

"He is my friend, and will be my friend"

10minutes later,

"He kissed on my forehead last night. It felt sooo...ERRRRRRR STOP IT ANI!"

20minutes later,

"He was being a very good friend teaching me how to cook"

30 minutes later,

"I hope his date night sucks. My goodness. Someone save me from this crush fever!!!!"

She says and falls down on her bed facing the roof. Quickly making a video call to Gauri, she was preparing herself to clear her doubts.

"Oii fatty, i have told you not to call during my class hours. Im busy whiling away my time in this irritating maths period. If that witch maths professor comes to know that im using my phone inbetween class, she'll get me suspended." Gauri spats with a not-so-angry tone.

"Gauri, gauri... you are my Darling noo.. my sweetheart no... please help me yaar" Anika pleads.

Giving her a seriously curious face, "Darling? Sweetheart? Anika are you alright? OH BETE KI !!! You have Alzheimer's? Sankarji... my sister has lost her senses!!!" Gauri silent yells and starts crying.

"Nothing like that dumbo. I just want to clarify something. What's a crush? How is it different from love ? How to stop this thing?" She innocently asks.

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