•Our Little World•

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Anika quickly fumbles up to her toes and looked petrified expecting at the doorframe.

Janaki walks in and scrunched her eyes at Anika. "What are you looking at?" She asks completely shrugging.

Anika freezes for a second and quickly turns around to find no one nearby.
She sighs with a sweat drop nearly running down her temple.

"What are you doing there. Are you gonna sleep or what?? Oh my maata.. kids these days and the cellphones. I really wish you would break your mobile one day. Tch tch tch.. Better i get you married soon- " she keeps rambling as she already found her way to the bed tugging herself in.

Anika takes a deep breathe in as she slides herself beside her mother. And Gauri yawns as she drops carelessly on the other side nudging her mother. Janaki was basically sandwiched between her 2 daughters. 

There clearly was an awful silence before Janaki voiced out.

"Does he make you happy?" She asked ever so softly as if, if she had raised her voice she might break something fragile.
Anika was taken aback with the sudden inquiry. But was not trying to hold back.

"YES" she said almost immediately.  But wanted to sound less demanding. "yes" she added again with a lower tone now.

"I dont know why all this is happening.  And to be frank, Im not fully supporting whatever you both asked me for..." she paused and turned to Anika's side.

"But If i say No to this..Id be lying to myself. And your father wouldn't be happy with me either. He dont want his favourite daughter crying does he?" She giggled giving Anika a Little squeeze on her palm.

Anika's eyes started glistening up. She was glad her mother would finally give her feelings a chance and listened to what she really wanted rather than worrying about what others would want.

"Dont remind Gauri than I'm Appa's favourite daughter. She might cry" Anika giggled back. And her mother relaxed as well.  She chuckled and slowly closed her eyes.

" Shivaay is full of surprises ma. He treats me like Im a total badass person one second.. and babies me the next second. He has a whole different side once you get casual with him.. he just acts uptight with you since he wants to be that gentleman in your eyes.. not that he is not.. but Ma.. he is such a sap. I know you guys would get along. I mean.. That guy literally would sit up all night listening to your recipes than he would enjoy sleeping. And.. He thinks Manika Malhotra is more romantic ma. I think you guys have many things in common" Anika stills satisfied.  All she heard was her Mother humm in silence before she started snoring almost immediately.  Anika shook her head with a smile and flipped over to hang her hand outside the edge.

Her whole body went stiff in a second when she felt a hand hold her free palm near the Edge of the bed. The touch felt familiar and that explained how Shivaay had quickly vanished the spot. Because he didnt. He was there, right on the floor beside their bed. Waiting for his chance to get out.

Anika sighs deeply and slowly peeps under the bed.

"I might be a sap. But im a Hot sap" he pouts silently. To which Anika giggled in hush hush. His hands found it's way to her cheeks gently caressing it delicately. Anika turns even more comfortable to Shivaay and looks at him with pure adoration.

"Thankyou" he hushed. Anika nearly scrunched her eyebrows in confusion.

"For taking my side and for trying to convince your mother." He said.

"You'd do the same wouldn't you?!" She states almost as if it was a declaration of truth.

He smiles.

He then slowly stands up only after confirming with Janaki's snoring tunes and by firmly grabbing the window pane he hopped over and crouched himself outside the window.

Anika slowly crept her way out of bed with the squeeking sounds being completely ignored.

"Remember Sandcastles?" He asks with a beaming pretty smile. Anika might probably be dreaming about it tonight. It looked ethereal.

She nodded slowly.

He picks up another stout branch from the nearby plant and tried to stick it inside Anika's Messy hair.

"So this one is Janaki ma." He explains with his eager eyes still on the stick. Anika was analysing how that made sense.

"Our little world? The kind and queen of the sandcastles?" Shivaay had an expression that forced Anika to think what this reference was about and she held a "I might be knowing this" kind of a reaction, when Shivaay spoke up.

"I want Janaki ma there! She'd be bickering with you all the time, We'd be gossiping.., probably adjusting to watching more dramas.., And with a cook like me and her..you and Gauri would be eating heaven-worthy, relishing, finger-licking good food everyday and maybe we all could go end-of-the-season-sale shopping. I just want this whole 'Watching over me' thing to be a lifelong thing" He says and Anika's breath halts for a second.

"I want you. No doubt. But i want Janaki ma. I..I want Gauri. I want Vicky, Omru, Damn i want Oscar and Hiccups too" he huffs as he pressed Anika on her shoulders. Anika just looked happy at him. He wanted not just her... but all that belonged with her.

They weren't anymore in the honeymoon phase of the love story. It was getting serious and they were ready for whatever that was about to come.

"Our Small world!" Shivaay says gently tucking a strand of hair behind anika's ears.

Anika's smile grew longer untill it suddenly suspiciously striked her.

Is Shivaay proposing her for Marriage?

She froze and looked Shivaay with a poker face. She was feeling weird. Like, all emotions crash-landing on her all at once.


Im super late as always. Also Im not really proud about it.  But I just couldnt bring up the will to write. Also Im preparing for my Highers, so yeah.. Hope you understand. 

And sorry for the Short update. Maybe setting a long draft size as a default thing was a mistake. Id probably update in short drafts from now. This is actually quite easy.

Thankyou for reading tho. Truely. :)
Im glad people havent killed me yet.


Also.. The Author's an BTS ARMY since last year.. (Annyeong🙋‍♀️) so Been trying to write a Fanfic named  'Rookie Romance'. Do check it out if you like. 💜

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