Chapter 19

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I Tried to get out of Michael arms. The only thing I wanted to do was go home now. Get away. Hide from the world. But every time I tried I was pulled back into his chest on the floor.

"I just wanna go home.." I whispered as a soft sob came from my lips

"I will take you. You have no car." Michael said quietly as he stood up and carry me out of the bathroom.

"I can walk!" I struggled to get out of his arms.

"Fine." He whisper as he gave me a sad looked and place me gently onto my feet.

"I'm sorry Michael.." I whispered heading back upstairs to grab my bag before I left. I grabbed my bag and made my way to grab my knife from the bathroom. I picked up the rainbow knife and made my way back down stairs. I started to walk past Michael who was watching me carefully. I closed the beautiful butterfly knife and gripped it in my hand.

"Goodbye.." I whispered as I opened the front door.

"The black car." He said pointing the last black car in the driveway because all the cars were black.

"What about it?" I asked turning around.

"Get in." He said as he quickly grabbed me before I could trip on the big crack in the driveway.

"But I wanna walk!" I whinned

"Your house is to far." He said as smiled down at me. I just realized how close we were I could feel his chest on mine. I also could feel his heartbeat.

"A-And you're r-r-really close.."I whispered trying to control my stuttering

"Sorry." He said as he pick me up and place me over the crack. "Please get into the car."

"Give me a real reason other than my house is far away.." I whispered walking backwards.

"Because I want to make sure you get home safe." He said as he looked at me and begged me with his eyes.

"Fine..." I whispered getting in the car I held my bag in my lap tightly.

He ran around the front of the car and gets into the driver seat. He shove his keys into the car and started then he pulled out of the driveway.

"Do you even know where you're going.." I asked as he went in the opposite direction of my house

"I think so." He whisper as he looked at me and stop in the middle of the road. "I went to wrong way." He said flipping around really fastly. I chuckled a bit and turned off the radio because it was playing a really shit song. Michael turned it back on and I turned it back off.

"It's shit stop turning it on." I muttered glaring at him

"I want music change the station." He stated he said as he turned at the stop sign.

I rolled my eyes because he was still going the wrong way. I turned back on the radio and pressed a random station. This song was still shit but it was catchy. I think it was something called American underwear or something. "You're going the wrong way again..." I whispered

He did another u-turn and then looked at me. "Give me damn direction then." He said.

"See that street with the red car? Turn there." I said pointing to a street and turned up the music and quietly sing along when it got to the corus. He passes the street and I turned down the music.

"Hey Mike guess what.." I said looking at him

"What?" He said as he speed down the street.

"Never mind, At the stop light take a right.." I whispered turning up the music. I watched all the trees speed past us as he continued. I held my book bag to my chest as I took a deep breath.

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