The long flight from here to Spain is giving me a headache and I keep tensing up but as Collin says, I have to go. I keep checking my phone because of my uneasiness.

I keep listening to the same old songs and lean my head back. I sleep off everything so I won't have to feel too jetlagged when I get there.

Somewhere where the sun is shining bright.

Hours and hour of seeing nothing but clouds and skies, the plane lands, one PM in the afternoon. The smile on my face never disappears as I remember the times I've been here. The place still has its magic that never fails to cheer me up.

Even if I just had the most confusing turn of events, I feel like things had gone better now.

I can't help but smile as I remember the memories that involved the place. Another four hours and I'll see it again. Even when I shut my eyes I remember and see the blue of the place, the sound of the waves. . . when I was with Harry.

I shut my eyes and get myself through the flight in tranquillity.

Once there in another airport, I am mostly tired, it's been quite tiring to be in two long flights consecutively yet Collin says it's a tight schedule.

God knows I don't believe him.

I take a bus ride to the Tenerife Sea, the same place where I realised everything at once.

Seeing the same old cerulean blue I always see, feeling the warm breeze blowing over my hair, the texture of the sand every step along the way. . . Beautiful.

Some things have changed but the beauty never left. The lights play along with the perfect scenery worthy of a picture to be admired for ages. The balance of the colors and the lighting, the shimmer and smoothness, it's a canvas with too many extravagant meanings.

I completely get lost into an ethereal world I'd never leave.

The golden sand and the lovely people around having the time of their lives. The voices laughing and cheering. The most amazing scenes when people bond with each other, seeing their connections and how they show it. Those smiles in their eyes, just amazing. Everything is enthralling about the place.

I watch the sea in front of me, looking at the waves come back and forth, staring at how the colors play and glisten under the sunlight.


It's one of those strangest moments where everything seems to be working perfectly. Like every movement has their timing set out in a perfect way. Things are involuntary yet amazingly organized.

I turn around, seeing a tall figure standing three feet away. His green eyes reflect the scene behind me and he seems just as lost in this world as I am. Slowly, his lips pull to a smile.

I rush to him and hug him tight, keeping him in my arms in this unworldly place. I haven't seen him in days and now I know the reason why. He just had to set this up.

I hold his cheeks as he stares at me dreamily, he gives me the kind of smile that I now see everyday but, still giving me the same kind of magic. I can stay in this surreal world and never bother getting away.

"Happy second anniversary," he says and smiles again. Of course, I didn't forget that. I just didn't expect it from him.

He planned this, from the pick-up to the ones taking care of Jun, to the flight and then everything else after that. He just knew I'll still go here on my own. With that thought, I smile at him and kiss him, my arms now around his neck. I close my eyes and feel the moment sink in.

We walk along the shore like the very first time, letting the wind play along as we walk. Like the first time, he's the one who keeps spacing out. . . always the one to keep staring. His hand in mine, his eyes never leaving me and my mind preoccupied by only him, and the beauty of this place.

The wind keeps blowing off my hair, added by my dress that's dancing along. The voices surrounding us going along with the soft rhythm of the waves hitting the shore.

After a while we settle on the sand, him seated with one leg outstretched and one leg bent, and his eyes looking down at me as I lay my head on his lap.

"Never regretted this," I say as I touch his cheek with the hand wearing our wedding ring. I know to myself I wouldn't regret this. He is my peace of mind in a world of my disasters. He is just the person I'll find whenever I need him.

The writings on the wall are rewritten and histories are remembered. Promises are finally kept and disasters are finally cleared. They are just the way I want them to be. I guess everything works well in the end even if you've made the wrong choices. If you can find a way to make them right again, do it because it'll still be your ending.

He smiles then holds my hand with his that has the matching ring, "Never will."

He kisses me on the forehead and closes his eyes. "I told you, wherever you are is the place I'll keep coming back to."

Under the skies with the most beautiful sceneries, with him right with me. . .

We came back to where we were.
And we'll always come back to this.

I look at Harry again. . .

Should this be the last thing I see,

I want you to know it's enough for me.

'Cause all that you are,

Is all that I'll ever need. . .

Wherever you are is the place I'll keep coming back to.

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