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(Y/N)'s POV
"Happy anniversary~" Jungkook sang. I opened my eyes slowly to see Jungkook smiling adoringly at me. I smiled back and pecked his lips.

"You remembered," I replied happily, sitting up to stretch. Jungkook sat up and gazed at my side profile.

"Of course I remember, jagi!" Jungkook hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back.

"You don't seem happy, though." Jungkook removed his arms and stared at me.

"I guess it's because Eomma left," I replied sadly.

"Don't be sad, we're going back to Seoul today!" Jungkook comforted me. My eyes lit up.

"Jinjja?" I asked, beaming.

"Yeah! Pack your things, we're leaving in an hour!" Jungkook replied and walked into the bathroom.
~T I M E S K I P~
After packing, Jungkook and I left for the train station. We didn't say our goodbyes to Halmoni or Appa as they were busy at work. I left them a note on the dining table, telling them that we went back to Seoul already. Jungkook opened the car door for me and gestured for me to go inside. I sat in the passenger seat and he closed the door, then climbed into the seat beside me.

"Kaja~" he said, then started driving towards the train station. He took my hand and started playing with my fingers. I turned to look at him, but his eyes were focused on the road. I continued gazing at his side profile until he turned to look at me. I shyly averted my eyes and turned my head to face the front.

"You're so cute~" Jungkook smiled and pecked my cheek. I blushed and covered my face with my hands. My heart was beating out of my chest and I could almost hear my heartbeat.

"We're here!" Jungkook exclaimed, then removed our seatbelts. He got out of the car and I got out too.

"You're supposed to wait for me to open the door for you," Jungkook whined.

"I can do it myself," I replied, giggling. Jungkook continued whining as he took our bags out from the car. I offered to carry my bag, but he refused.

"I'm supposed to carry it for you, jagi~" Jungkook smiled. I sighed and followed him into the train station. Suddenly, I felt someone hit the back of my neck. The last thing I saw was that someone doing the same to Jungkook and I passed out.
Jungkook's POV
I opened my eyes and adjusted to the surroundings. I was in an unfamiliar room and was tied up so I couldn't move. I turned my head and saw (Y/N) with her hands and legs tied up as well. She was unconcious and her head was hung low. My heart broke into a million pieces seeing her like this. Suddenly, the door opened and 4 familiar men walked in.

"I knew it," I muttered under my breath.

"Knew what?" Key asked innocently.

"I thought you were my friends! Who knew you worked for Lee Sungmin," I growled.

"Yo, he thinks we work for Lee Sungmin!" Taemin laughed. I raised my eyebrow.

"Wait until you see who we're working for, Jungkook." Junghyun smirked.

"What's...happening?" (Y/N) woke up. I looked at her apologetically and she seemed to have gotten the message.

"W-why are we here?" (Y/N) asked.

"Oh, you're supposed to wait for a certain someone," Onew smirked. As soon as he said that, Taeyeon ran in.

Wait... Taeyeon?

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