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"Your birth father? The one that went to jail for abusing you and your mother?" Taeyeon gasped. I nodded and shushed her.

"What is he doing here in Seoul?" Taeyeon thought out loud.

"The prison he went to was in Seoul, so it's not actually a big deal," I reasoned.

"What if he finds you and your mother again?" Taeyeon asked worriedly.

"I don't know, really. Who knows what he'll do?" I shrugged.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Bye, Yunha! I'll see you in school tomorrow!" Taeyeon waved. I smiled and waved back, then proceeded to walk home. I was thinking about my birth father when I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me into an alley.

"Hello, Yunha. I haven't seen you in a long time," my birth father smirked. I gasped.

"W-what do you want?" I asked, trying to sound brave, but it obviously was not working.

"What do I want? I want to know where the boy who got me into jail is. I'm sure you know just who I'm talking about," my birth father replied.

"I-I don't know where Jungkook is, Mum and I lost contact with him and his family," I stuttered.

"Do you think I believe you?" my birth father laughed a sinister laugh, sending chills down my spine.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Are you sure you don't want to get on?" Yoongi hyung asked.

"Nah, I'm just going to walk back." I replied. Seconds later, the car drove off, leaving me behind.

"Seriously? I only said that to be polite!" I groaned and began walking back to the dorm. Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice from a distance.

"What do I want? I want to know where the boy who got me into jail is. I'm sure you know just who I'm talking about," Yunha's birth father said. It took me a few seconds to recognise that voice, but I immediately ran into the alley and saw Yunha's birth father and Yunha. They said something else too soft for me to hear, then Yunha's father made a move that looked like he was about to hit her. I ran up to him and pulled him away from Yunha.

"Stop! You want the boy who got you into jail? I'm right here, come get me!" I shouted, making Yunha eyes widen in surprise. Yunha's father smirked.

"Ah, Jungkook, it's been 6 years! I've been killing you over and over in my head for so long!" Yunha's father cackled.

"That was in your head, and it will always only be in your head." I replied and knocked him out.

"Are you alright?" I asked, pulling her into a hug. She sobbed into my chest, hugging me tight.

"Yunha, I'm here!" I exclaimed, walking into the house. Yunha had invited me over to watch the new movie that her Mum bought for us to watch. I happily walked into the house, only to see Yunha and her mother on the floor, with Yunha's father looming over them, holding a belt. I gasped.

"Tell me where it is or I'll beat you up some more!" he shouted. Yunha burst into tears, making my heart ache.

"I don't know, Sungmin, I seriously don't know." Yunha's mother stuttered. Sungmin was about to hit them when I stepped in.

"Stop! Stop it, I'm calling the police!" I shouted. I reached into my pocket and took out my phone, dialling the police hotline. I looked Sungmin dead in the eye as I told the police my whereabouts.

A few minutes later, the police came and took Sungmin away. Yunha's mother told the both of us to go into Yunha's room as she talked to the police.

"Thank you for saving us," Yunha cried, hugging me, as we went into her room. I hugged her back.

"You would've done the same for me."

"Should we report him?" I asked Yunha.

"Ani, I'll give him a chance to change," Yunha replied, shaking her head. I nodded and we left the alley, leaving Yunha's biological appa behind.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Thanks for walking me home," I told Jungkook.

"It's fine." Jungkook replied. I suddenly remembered about what he said.

"You're really the Jungkook who left 8 years ago?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Yeah. Surprised? I managed to pursue my dreams!" Jungkook replied, scratching the back of his head.

"It's good seeing you again, but promise me to never lie to me again," I smiled. Jungkook nodded.

"Oh, right, what if he comes here?" Jungkook asked. My heart skipped a beat.

"I don't know, especially since eomma and appa are gone for their business trips," I replied, afraid.

"You could stay over at my dorm," Jungkook suggested.

"Ani, I'll be fine!" I replied.

"Nope, you're coming with me to the dorm, and that's that." Jungkook said. I sighed and nodded, and then went into the house to take my things.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"I'm back!" I said, opening the door. The boys all got up and walked over to the door.

"What took you so lo-" Jimin hyung said, before stopping when he saw Yunha.

"Who's that?" Jin hyung asked happily.

"That's Yunha," I introduced, even though all of them already knew who she was.

"Ah, Yunha! Jungkook told us many things about y-" Hoseok hyung said, but got cut off as I covered his mouth.

"She's staying here for two weeks," I explained.

"Ah, two weeks? Where is she going to sleep, though?" Namjoon hyung asked. I pointed to my room and Taehyung hyung started cheering. I shot him a death glare that made him shut up, and took Yunha's hand and led her to my room.

"Is this where I'll be sleeping?" Yunha asked. I nodded.

"This is my room," I replied. Yunha gasped.

"Shouldn't I be sleeping on the couch, then? I can sleep there, you know, you don't have to be so nice," Yunha stuttered. I giggled at her cuteness.

"Just sleep here and stop talking," I replied. She instantly fell silent. I put her bag down on the floor and led her out of the room and into the living room.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Yunha, sit here!" a really cute guy smiled up at me and pointed to a seat beside him. I sat down there and he introduced himself, Taehyung, and the other boys.

"Yunha, just so you know, Jungkook told us many things about you," Taehyung smirked. I looked away, blushing. He suddenly changed the topic and started imitating characters from a cartoon show called Pingu when Jungkook came into the living room.

"Do you think he heard it?" I whispered into Taehyung's ear.

"Nope, I don't think so. Look at his clueless bunny face!" Taehyung replied into my ear, making me giggle.

It was 2 hours after dinner and everyone had went into their rooms to sleep, leaving me and Jungkook on the couch. I yawned softly, making Jungkook giggle.

"Are you tired?" Jungkook asked. I nodded, and he brought me into his room. He made me lie down on his bed and told me to sleep. He then went onto the spot next to me and lay down.

"Jungkook, may I ask you something?" I asked curiously.

"Sure." I heard Jungkook reply.

"Why didn't you admit that you were the Jungkook I knew from my childhood at first?" I asked.

"Because I fell in love with you." Jungkook replied.

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