Chapter 42

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I wake up the next morning, I sit upright and my shirt is damp. Don't know why. Night sweats I think. I hear the water is running from my washroom. I hug my knees to my chest, unfamiliar of the situation.

I stay still for a while. Random thoughts in my mind. You know it's all in your head? Yeah I know. I glance on the drawer which is left open. Untouched. I see everything is dark and opaque. Except for one thing which shines despite of the dim light. A tool associated with my life. I started with it and will end with it.

I remember using it at night, but then I didn't close the drawer.

I wonder what Justin is doing. My mind wanders off. . .

"You are up," Kyle's stern yet sweet voice comes.

I snapped into the world which I am in. Which is- Kyle clears his throat.

"Yeah. . . Good morning," I smile.

I stare up at the ceiling. I am miserable. But I have to be happy as Kate says, "Be happy even in the darkest of days." Yeah right, Kate. It's like six in the morning. The crack of dawn. . . I think. I have to get ready though. For my interview.

I hop out of bed and find something proper to wear. Just out of the blue, I think: What is Willow doing? Oh you know. She might be having breakfast with her fiancè that's all.

"You know what? I can move on with my life." I said to myself. "Yeah, I could do that. She is enjoying her life, so be it." I agreed with myself and close the cupboard door.

I went to my balcony and I didn't believe my eyes. A paper airplane was on the floor. I flattened it and it read. 'Dinner at nine. At my house. You know. Bring Kate also if possible.'

"Well that had to happen." I make it into a paper ball and go inside my room."Kate! I want today's schedule"

I saw him go inside. He had an angry yet serious face. It's not my fault. "Willow! Where'd you go?" Kyle shouts.

"I am coming." I ran to the living room and see Kyle ready in a suit. "I was in the room."

"Where's Stuart?" I shook my head. "I don't know."

"I think I was summoned and here I am." Stuart's voice came from behind and he was wearing a red cape and an armour. Like a medieval soldier.

"Somebody looks handsome." I said and hugged him.

"Somebody is getting late." Kyle said. I kissed Stuart's forehead. "Good luck with the play." Stuart nodded. "Now go."

They both went out and closed the door. I was left alone. Alone. You were always alone. This time I sat on the floor. Looking at my lap and. One. Two. The tears started to fall.

"You can't blame her." Kate said adjusting her scarf. We were outside with cool breeze in the air. We were heading towards the studio.

"How can I not blame her?" She gives me a 'really' look. "Okay I can't. She lost her memory. Freaking amnesia."

"You can blame her." She says.

"See. I told you. What is she getting in marrying him? She is getting nothing but a para-"

"You know you should really shut up. It's her choice." She cuts me off in an annoying tone.

"But then she would be living in the-"

"Shut up. Please." She begs as we entered a building. The warm air now surrounded us with a foreign smell.

I sit on the couch and switch on the television. An interview was going live. And you know what I saw? I saw two familiar faces. Their manner foreign to me. They looked like foreigners but they were Justin and Kate.

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