Chapter 41

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"Here are the dates and the places." Kate list the things infront of me as I tap my finger continously like a clock ticking at the corner of my mouth with my head resting on my hand. I take a glance at the clock behind her. Five minutes to seven.

"I am going," I said getting up.

"But we haven't really decided the costumes for the concert and interviews," she hovers behind me.

"Yeah, I will do it after coming back." I wore my coat and brush my hair.

"Where are you going?" She takes the comb from my hand.

"Coffee shop." I said walking past her.

"Okay, then bring me an espresso as you come back."

Taking my keys from the hook, "Anything you say ma'am." I turn towards her and bow with a smile.

"Thank you," she smiles back and I go out.


I really like a bit cool breeze on an autumn October morning with nothing better than having earphones and going out for a jog.

I wear my tracking suit and plait my hair and went out for a jog.

Waiting for Willow, and it's been ten minutes. Just after a little while I text Kate:

Justin: It's so cold outside -_-
Kate: I know that's why didn't came. XD
Justin: Anyways
Justin: What are you doing?
Kate: Stranger Things!!
Justin: Seriously, woman?
Kate: Yes man XD
Kate: There's something for you
Justin: Where is it?
Kate: That's for you to find out.

No use talking to her. I put my phone in my pocket and look around. Then, I see Willow, jogging in her black tracksuit. Her hair plaited and white earphones dangling from her ears.

I wave my hand. I spot Justin waving his hand I wave back and tell him to join with a smile. He came running,"Hi," I said pausing the music.

"Hey, coffee?" He asks with a smile.

"After this jogging session?" He nods. "Want to join?"

"Of course." He replies.

I play my music at a low volume and start to jog. He also takes out his phone and plug in his black headphones.

"Whom are you listening to?" I ask.

"Twenty Øne Pilots."

"My favourite band. I love them. Which song?"

"But now we're stressed out." I sing.

"Hold on for a second." I stop jogging and she takes her earphones out. "Can you sing that line again?"

"Okay, But now we're stressed out." She stares at me with her eyes wide.
"Are you okay?"

I shake my head. The colours of his face of happiness wears out and worry comes on. "Your. Voice. Is. Epic." I said. He takes a sigh of relief. "But it's nothing compatible to Twenty Øne Pilots. No one can compete with them." He laughs. "What?"

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