Chapter 35

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I sit on my bed while my Nurse Kelly gives me spoonful of rice. It's been two days of me drowning in my own questions. Kyle often meets me but the other boy, Justin meets me the most.

Nurse Kelly goes out of the room once the meal is finished and Justin walks in. Doesn't he have any other work to do besides visiting me?

"How are you?" He asks as he sits on the chair.

"Just as the same as I was two days ago." I reply, grumpily.

"Really? You look a lot better." Her eyes are now retaining their shine and her skin has a kind of freshness. She is not so skinny as she used to be.

"Do I?" She examined herself. "No I am not. I am just the same as two days ago." She spits. Somebody's in a bad mood.

"Why are you getting so annoyed?" I ask simply.

"Because, you visit me atleast five times in a day. Not giving me a second to be all by myself." I say. My head now starts to throb.

"So?" He raises a brow.

"See, Justin." I say calmly when he is actually getting on my nerves. "I don't know you. You don't know me-" I start as he cuts me off.

"I know you. I know everything about you. It's you that don't know. I know your dreams, ambitions, past everything." I explained as she listened to me. "I visit you because I care about you. And." You can't say this now. Now, is not the time. She doesn't know you.

"And?" She pushes.

"Nothing. You take rest." I get up and go out when she says.

"What is it, Justin? What comes after 'and'." He looks at me halfway through the door. "You said you know everything, then you must also know that I am really stubborn. Tell me, what comes after 'and'." I ask. I want to know.

"Wish I could tell you. But I can't. Not now as you have lost your memory." I look away from her as I hear her groan in frustation. I walk out of the door with tears in my eyes.

I walk through the hallways of the hospital when I see a police officer with two doctors going towards her room. Shit! I ran up to him and stop him. "Get out of my way." He said.

"You can't go in." I said pushing him away.

"Why, can't I go in?" He shouted.

"Because." We both look behind me to see Dr. Roger. "She has lost her memory and it's not good for her to be arrested."

"But she attempted two murders. She is a murderer. She has to go behind bars." He is getting on my nerves. "Or she has to be hanged."

That's it I lost my anger and punched the officer on his nose. His face was covered with blood as he punched my temple. Knocking me off of my balance. I maintained my balance and ran towards him as some security guards pulled me away from him. "Nobody, I say! nobody talks about her like that!" I shouted.

I heard someone shout when a police officer came in with his face covered in blood. Must have been involved in a fist fight. Two doctors came behind him. One doctor detached all the tubes from my arm and wrapped it in a bandage, she helped me sit on the wheelchair as the other wheeled me outside the hospital into a police van.

"Why? What have I done?" I asked the police officer.

"That you will remember really soon." He said angrily as he cleanses the blood with a handkerchief.

Justin sat infront of me, he stared at his lap. I saw that there was a bruise on his left temple. As being concerned I asked, "What happ-"

"No talking." The officer hissed.


We reach the police station in half an hour. A woman officer wheeled Willow out of the van. "Take her inside. First we will talk to him." The policeman said as the woman took Willow inside.

The policeman yanked my shirt and we went behind them. He took me in a room with white walls, two chairs and a table. He cuffed me to the table and sat infront of me.

"What is your name?" He asked stifly.

"Justin Carl." I said.

"Justin, who are you to her?" He referred to Willow.

"I am her friend."

"I see. Why did you not let me in?"

"Because she is innocent."

"I shall tell you Justin. You are about twenty or twenty-one." I nodded. "Not so naive. She killed a lawyer and an innocent farmer."

"What she did was right."

"No she didn't. She killed him so brutally. That is not right. I think love has blinded you."

"It has not. What she did was right as she has her reasons. She was abused by him." I explained.

"I can't take that statement from you without any evidence."

"You want evidence, I can give it to you."

"Whatever you say." He came and uncuffed me.

"But you have to promise me." He raised a brow. "That you won't ask her any questions and that you won't hurt her in any way."

"Twenty-four hours." I look at him. "If you give me the evidence in twenty-four hours, she is free to go. Deal." He takes his hand out.

"Deal." I say as we shake hands.

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