Chapter 14

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"Rise and shine, Sunshine," Justin says waking me from my sleep.

"Why are you waking me, jerk?" I groaned.

"There's a lot to do today and we have less time. So wake up sleepy head." He shakes me.

I get up rubbing my eye and went inside the tent to change. I wore a sleeveless black shirt, cropped jeans and braided my hair.

I got out and went to him. He was taking out fishing rods from the car. "Fishing rods. Check." He handed me one and we started to walk towards the lake.

"How far is it?" I asked.

"10 minutes. It's a really beautiful lake."

"I bet you have been there with your mother."

"Bingo. It's fun, fishing. But when we go to that lake I would swim and she would fish."

"Have you ever went for snorkelling?"

"No, but it would be a fun experience.  Have you?"

"No, read about it in books and television."

"Mostly, in books it's written that there is a beauty of the sea, the vibrant plants and the colourful fishes."

"Yeah, I think it would be amazing to be underwater. It would be like as you know we were flying like a free bird while sky diving. In snorkelling, swimming like the fishes."

"What is your dream to be?" He asked out of the blue.

"I want to be a writer. Most probably. You?"

"A singer. That's something everyone wants to become."

"I don't. I love to listen to music but not to sing."

"Here we are." He said stopping. In front of us was a huge lake sparkling by the Sun. It was as if it was filled with glitter. In the background were evergreen mountains with the trees lively, green and alive. It was really beautiful.

"Where's the boat?" I said.

"It's right there." He pointed to my right where stood a wooden boat. We both walked to it. It was already in the water and was tied to a nail embedded in the soily, ground.


He started to row as I looked at my reflection in the lake. I touched the cool water with my fingertips which made several rings on the water.

We were in the middle of the lake, waiting patiently with our rods dipped in the water. My rod was given a slightest pull. I started to unwind it and said with my low voice, "What's for dinner? Seafood platter. Mama." I felt the fish nearing the surface of the water.

Next thing, I know I was drowning. "Help!" I choked, splashing the water with my hands, trying to stay on the surface. My limbs had shut down, I closed my eyes as I was dragged down into the water. My lungs started to burn, pleading for air. I need to survive. No, you need to die. As the minutes passed by, I felt lighter.

It was then, I was taken to the shore. I opened my mouth and exhaled as much air as possible and coughed out water as I sat up. My hair was soaking wet and my clothes were stuck to my body. "Don't you know how to swim?" Justin asks. He dripping, wet and he was breathing heavily. I shook my head, slightly. "And you dream of snorkelling. Wow."

"You can do anything in dreams. The question right now is what happened?" I got up.

"Our boat was somehow turned upside down."


"I don't know. Ouch." He said rubbing his arm.

"What happened now?"

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