Chapter 34

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I will be doing this from Justin's perspective also Willow's so everything written in BOLD will be of Justin's perspective and the NORMAL will be of Willow's. So without wasting anytime enjoy this chapter.


I get up in the middle of the night as my phone rang, "Hello," I said rubbing my eye.

"Justin," my mother spoke.

"Yeah mom."

"Justin, you have to come to the hospital. Your friend Willow had an accident." She said quickly.

"What?" I exclaimed. "How?" I quickly wore my hoodie.

"I had finished my duty when I saw a patient rushing to the operation theatre and it was none other than, Willow." She explained.

"I am coming, Mom. Bye." I got into my car and drove to the hospital. I called Kyle, "Hello".

"Kyle, you have to come to the hospital. Willow was involved in a car accident." I said.


"I don't know, you just come." I saw my mother at the entrance, I ran up to her. "Mom, where is she?" I asked.

"The surgery ended a few minutes ago. She has been transferred to a room."

"Can I see her?"

"No, the visiting hours are over and she is still unconscious."

"Can you just tell me which room."

"I will show you. It's at the end of this hallway." She said and took me outside a room.

The room was dim and dark making it hard to see. A glass seperated me from seeing her. "You go, I am coming." My mother nodded and went away.

I slippes into the room. Her face was lifeless, without any emotions. Her eyes were closed as she was in a deep slumber, with her steady breaths. I took her hand in mine, it was cold not warm and soft as it used to be. I kissed it as I saw many tubes erupting from her arm. She was sleeping as peaceful as a baby.


It's been two days of Willow in a coma. Doctors said that she had a fifty percent chance of living as the accident was a fatal one.

I stared at her lifeless body which was in its same place as two days ago. It's like she would sit up at any moment and punch my arm.

I hear the beeping of the monitor. My head throbs as I squint my eyes to the fluroscent light. Soon, my vision clears and I see a boy leaning against the wall, staring the floor. My body aches as my attempt to sit fail.

My eyes lay upon her as I saw her attempt of getting up. My heart raced as I couldn't believe my eyes. I rush out and try to find a doctor.

The boy walks out after seeing me. How rude. I inspect my surroundings it's like I am in a hospital. My arm has millios of tubes. I touch my forehead, it is covered in a bandage. How did this happen? Why am I even here?

I am surrounded by my thoughts when the door opens with the same boy and a doctor, "How are you doing, I am Dr. Lily?" The doctor says.

"How did I get here, Dr. Lily?"

"You were involved in a car accident. Fortunately, you survived. I would be needing some of your details."

"Yes." I said as she flipped the pages on her clipboard.

"What's your name?"

I still can't believe that she has woken up. Her eyes look tiresome and her body pale and skinny. "Willow Sanderson." She said. Her voice was the only thing that didn't changed.

I feel really awful. I don't know how I look or how did I got involved in a car accident. "Your age."

"Sixteen." I replied. Why is she asking me this?

I purse up my lips. She isn't sixteen. My mother stops writing on her clipboard and asks her, "Do you know what year is this?"

"2013." I said. Why is this so awkward?

The boy looks at me with shock as Dr. Lily says, "This is 2017." What? My jaw drops. This is 2017. Four years later. What happened in these four years?

She looks confused. As if lost. "What happened in these four years? Where is Kyle? I need to see him." She asks, hungry for answers.

"I will ask him to come," I said as I took out my phone and called him.

"Yeah, Justin. Any news?" He spoke as I walked out of the room.

"Willow has woken. She needs to talk to you."

"I am coming." And the phone call ends. I went inside and sat on the chair staring at her as she lies on the bed looking at the ceiling probably searching for answers. I am also confused. What the hell has happened to her?

I stare at the ceiling waiting for Kyle. He will now tell me what has happened in these years. "Willow," the boy said.

"How do you know my name?" I ask him, shockingly.

"Willow, I am Justin." I say calmly.

"I don't know any Justin." She doesn't know me? How? He stares at me as if I am an alien. I just want Kyle.

Just after that Kyle comes in, "Hey, Willow." He waves his hand at me.

"Kyle what happened? Why am I here? Who is he?" I ask him. I want answers and nothing else. She is so confused like me and Kyle is so chill about it.

Dr. Lily walks in and says, "It's like Willow has lost her memory." Have I really lost my memory? "Justin and Kyle I would like to talk to both of you."

I follow Kyle out and look back to see Willow. She is so helpless. I close the door and said, "What is it mother?"

"You both have to prevent her having her memory all at once. Get it bit by bit. If you give it all at once she might get confused and that is not good for her. Don't gives her any news which will make her depressed. That is all I can say. You both have to help her in this." She says.

"How could I help her, she doesn't even remember me?" I said.

"One month Kyle could take care of her and then one month, you. Like this the cycle will go on." She points at me. "Fine with both of you?" We both nodded. "For now, I will take care of her as she is in the hospital."

Author's Note:
Gotcha! No willow didn't die but she survived the accident unfortunately lost her memory.
What types of problems will Justin have to face now?

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